Monday, July 30, 2018

The Journey

“Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations. “ (Oliver Goldsmith)


Hi there. I'm sensing you have hit a dead end in your journey. You took the first steps needed to start your journey. That is something to cherish and acknowledge. You also need to realize this voyage is a long one. You will encounter bumps in the road. Some will be physical and some will be mental.

This is all part of changing and learning. It is impossible to be going full speed all the time. You will have periods that you are totally full of motivation and hope. And then there are times you will hit defeat. It's something that is a certainty, and it will happen no matter how strong your willpower. You need to make sure you aren’t interpreting it as a weakness within you.

This life change is exhausting both physically and spiritually, and it takes constant effort. The strength inside of you is what gets you through. It's never weakness that slows us down. It just gets overshadowed by obstacles sometimes, and it’s okay. Guilt is a destructive emotion that demands negativity, and needs self-loathing to live. It will get you nowhere.  When you hit a wall, you find a door. Lean on someone who supports you, lean on yourself. Find inspiration from somewhere.

I know this might sound extreme but make no mistake about it, you are a warrior. You may think that sounds strange, but you are in the fight of your life. You are fighting for a chance to be healthy and happy. It’s a constant fight all throughout your day (365 days a year). You need to take one battle at a time. Some you will win, and some you will lose. That is what’s supposed to happen.

It's unrealistic to think you are going to fly through this journey with no problems. If that were the case, every woman on this planet would be lean and healthy. This is hardcore. At times it will make you cry and feel hopeless. Other times it will make you rejoice, and feel on top of the world. It's an emotional roller coaster. It's a trip not a walk in the park. Stop feeling guilty for being human. Stop feeling guilty for losing your way. Stop feeling guilty. It's a useless emotion that will steer you down the wrong path.

Every hurdle we move past makes us stronger. It makes us surer of ourselves, and teaches us that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.  Women have a primal urge to fix everything. We put everyone else first, and we justify ignoring our own needs because that's just the way it is supposed to be.

A big lesson you need to learn is that it is not supposed to be like that. We are supposed to take care of ourselves so that we can then be of use to everyone else. It’s wrong to put ourselves last. By doing that we are perpetuating this cycle of self-loathing and self-neglect onto our daughters. Our actions teach them how to behave.  

The best thing we can do for our children is to teach them to love themselves and demand respect not only from others, but from themselves. For those of you who have sons, it is a great gift to bestow upon them a deep respect for women. If you tell them to respect women, but yet don't respect yourself they see that. They absorb that. Why should they listen to you if you don't listen to you?

Show them how amazing and important women are by treating yourself in a loving and respectful way. They will grow up being drawn to strong, intelligent, and loving women. We do this for our children every time they see us working out, eating healthy, taking time for ourselves, and making ourselves a priority. 

Always make sure you take care of yourself. If you don’t, you’ll start to resent all that you do for others and it won’t be meaningful. All these things you do for yourself are a huge message to those around you. If you start respecting yourself, others will start respecting you as well. We show people how to treat us by how we treat ourselves.

Don’t forget why you started, and keep your dream alive. Take a little time here and there to imagine what your end goal in the future looks like, but don’t live there.  Focus on the present. Live in the present. I want you to find the happiness you deserve. I want you to learn you are worth it. You won’t be able to find contentment in the future, it doesn’t live there. It’s with you in the here and now. Being skinny is not joy. Hitting goal weight is not happiness, but loving yourself is. 

Your weight does not define your beauty. Who you are on the inside (your soul) defines your beauty. You need to accept and believe this. Squeezing yourself into a tiny pair of jeans is nice, but it meaningless to those around you. People like you because of who you are, and not because of your weight. Your weight loss journey is about more than just losing weight. It's about gaining a fuller life. It's about destroying what has shattered you and becoming the very best version of yourself that you.

The low moments are when you learn the most about yourself, and the high moments are when you learn that the low moments are worth it and necessary. Keep going. Give this new life a chance. Don’t give up like you always have. This isn’t a race. This is a slow climb up a very steep mountain.

Each part of the climb gives you what you need to finish the next segment. The lessons you will have learned about life, about the old you, the new you, and the you that you want to be in the future will arm you with the knowledge, power, and will to accomplish any future goals that you’ll set for yourself. You will inspire all of those around you. Because you are a warrior who has already defeated the most dangerous and powerful force on the planet, yourself.



“To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage. The bridge that merges the two is commitment.”  (Steve Maraboli) [i]


[i] Adapted from: “Need Motivation? This Letter Is Addressed To You” by Half of Gabby

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