Sunday, December 26, 2021


“No one is always busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.” (Digital Romance)

A priority is defined as “something that is more important than other things, and that needs to be done or dealt with first.” We all have them. They are what give our life meaning. We make time for them because they are most important to us.  Priorities could be a wide range of things like family, career, passions, one’s appearance, and even what we purchase.

You are currently reading one of my passions. It receives a large amount of my time as a retired man because I truly believe it is the reason God gave me a second chance at life after my cancer. With this logic, it can be difficult for me at times to not become obsessed with making sure ENCOURAGE ME runs smoothly (and is as well done as I can make it).

I get a great sense of purpose from it as I hope you understand my passion as you read it (at whatever frequency that you do). Take just a moment to think about the priorities in your life. How do they shape the person you are today? 

The words “priority” and “goal” are not interchangeable. There is an importance difference between them. Goals are specific milestones you hope to accomplish. They usually have an end date, and you’ll know whether or not you’ve achieved them.

Priorities are broader and guide your entire life. Unlike with goals, priorities don’t have an end date. They’re not something you eventually reach or accomplish. Instead, they’re more comparable to values that help you decide what stays in your life and what goes. Below are 10 simple ways to set your own priorities in your life:

·       Create your list of priorities.

·       Determine necessary over non-necessary tasks.

·       Don’t overwhelm yourself with what needs to get done.

·       Be willing to compromise on some priorities.

·       Assess your most productive days (and times) of the week.

·       Tackle the hardest task first.

·       Plan ahead (whether it’s the next day, week, 6 months, or a year).

·       Recognize prioritizing can become a habit and a skillset.

·       Create a timeline for a few of your most important priorities.

·       Limit any distractions that might keep you from reaching your priorities.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” (Stephen Covey) [i]

[i] Adapted from:

·       “10 Simple Ways to Set Priorities in Your Life” by Rebecca

·       “How To Clearly Define Your Priorities in Life”  By Erin Gobler

·       “Priority” by Merriam-Webster



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