Tuesday, July 31, 2018


“The most valuable lessons aren’t taught. They are experienced.” (Anonymous)

I miss the memorable of the TV show theme songs I grew up with.  The opening credits of a show were always about laying the series groundwork by telling you the background story of what you were about to watch on TV. TV show tune writers were geniuses in giving the show synopsis in small amounts by making the opening of each show part of the viewing experience.

  Memorable series will always hold endearing places in both our hearts and minds. The story lines, characters, and dialogues were unique. Unintentionally, we apply powerful insight to aspects of our daily lives from these beloved shows. Below are five famous TV theme songs that may just help you to know yourself just a  bit better:

1.   “Cheers” Build Relationships with Your Coworkers: The “Cheers” theme song is often ranked as the No. 1 theme song of all time. Why? I think it’s because we all relate to it:

“You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows your name.

You wanna go where people know, people are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows your name.”

These lyrics speak to something I call the “Law of Similarity.” People like people like them, and they trust who and what they know. Expand this into the workplace. We learn we must ask questions, delegate, and build relationships with the people we work with.

Tip: You should start the day by asking someone a question about themselves. Only ask if you are actually interested in hearing the answer. It could be as simple as, “What did you do last night?” Take the relationship beyond work to see what shared interest you have and you will see the relationships strengthen.


2.   “Different Strokes” Appreciate Our Differences: One of the actors in this show was Gary Coleman. He made this observation about his small height: “My engine may be small, but look out for my steam.” This theme song  teaches having emotional strength  and so much more:

“Now, the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum,

What might be right for you, may not be right for some.

It takes diff’rent strokes to move the world.”

These words remind us to respect individuality. Take it to the workplace and you realize that you need different ways of thinking to come up with the best solutions. We need diverse teams in approach, age, gender, background and mindset.

Tip: Next time you get frustrated working with someone, try shifting your thinking. Instead of being annoyed by their attention to every tiny detail, appreciate that it keeps you from having to deal with them. Then take a moment to tell them what you admire about them. It will reduce the tension and open up more teamwork possibilities.


3.   “Facts of Life” Manage Expectations: Whether you are self-employed or in upper management, there are always undesirable parts to any job. As long as there are aspects of your job you like, you are on the right career path.

“You take the good, you take the bad,

You take them both and there you have

The facts of life, the facts of life.”

The biggest takeaway of this song is to manage your expectations. This is the lesson I am trying to make others aware of. Make your expectations realistic to the occasion at hand.

Tip: Communication is important in managing expectations. It can be as simple as letting someone know when you will be able to meet the deadline for a task they assigned you.


4.   “Laverne & Shirley” Follow Your Own Path: This theme is suited for the innovator, the entrepreneur, the person who always seems to be going against the grain, or simply the person who feels nothing in life was ever easy. Every line inspires you to keep trying, keep believing in yourself, and to be unique in the way you solve your difficulty.

“Give us any chance, we’ll take it

Read us any rule, we’ll break it

We’re gonna make our dreams come true 

Doin’ it our way…

There is nothing we won’t try

Never heard the word impossible

This time there’s no stopping us. We’re gonna do it.”

These lyrics remind us to trust our gut, take a chance, and be all right with nonconformity. Whether branching out on your own, do what works for you.

Tip: Pay attention to what your inner critic is saying. The majority of self-talk is often negative. If you fall into that trap, imagine the pep talk your best friend would give you. Then change the internal messaging and be your own best friend. Choose your words carefully and rephrase to action-oriented language. In other words, focus on what you can do and not on what is impossible to achieve. 


5.   “One Day at a Time” Relax and Enjoy the Journey:

We have all heard this saying. It is the mantra for many to overcome challenges, but I think there is more to this theme song that we can learn. For the high-achieving, controlling personalities, the lyrics explain the need to relax.

“This is life, the one you get so go and have a ball.

This is it. This is it.

Straight ahead and rest assured you can’t be sure at all.

So while you’re here enjoy the view.

Keep on doing what you do

So hold on tight we’ll muddle through

One day at a time, one day at a time.”

Whether it is personal or professional, life can be unpredictable, and that is part of its charm. Life is rarely turns out to be like what we pictured it in our twenties. Find the purpose in what you do even if it just to get you to the next thing.

Tip: At least once a day, slow down long enough for a few deep breaths. Think about one thing you are grateful for and share that with someone else. It is important to be told by someone else that you are appreciated.

 “There are life lessons that can be derived from reality television.” (Mike White)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “12 Powerful Lessons You Can Learn From Famous TV Shows” by Born Realist
·        “Five Leadership and Life Lessons From Classic TV Theme Songs” by Michelle Tillis Lederman

·        “The 20 Greatest TV Show Theme Songs of All Time” by Awesomely Luvvie


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