Thursday, January 26, 2017

Chain of Command

At one of my training sessions recently, we had a discussion about being a first-time supervisor…Everyone recognized how hard it can be in that very first supervisory role…What advice would I have wanted when I first became a supervisor…[i]

1.  Don’t try to be everyone’s friend - This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be friendly. There’s a difference. But it’s not realistic to think that you can be everyone’s friend. Especially if at some point you need to discipline an employee or deliver bad news… 
2.  Fair and equal are not the same thing - Employees want to be treated fairly. It’s possible to be fair and not give everyone the same thing. Recognition is a good example… 


3.  Ask for feedback and input - You don’t have to know everything. Often we put additional pressure on ourselves by assuming incorrectly that being a supervisor means we need to have all the answers. Being a supervisor means we should be able to find all the answers, not that all the answers are located in our heads. 

4.  Learn how to run a good meeting - People complain about meetings all the time. Developing a reputation for chairing a good meeting will do wonders for your career because people will attend your meetings and participate at a high level. This leads to productive conversations and measurable results. 

5.  Find time to relax - Let’s not sugar coat it [that] most times becoming a supervisor includes extra work. We must be able to effectively manage our workload without getting burned out. Our team relies upon us to be healthy and energetic… 


6.  Find someone you can trust (and vent to) about work - Sometimes as a supervisor, you will have access to confidential information, and you’ll hear things that can be frustrating…Find a place where you can talk confidentially…Just make sure you can trust that the source will handle the conversation appropriately. 

7.  Take every opportunity to improve your people skills - No matter how long you’re in the corporate world, never turn down training. (You can even learn something from bad training.) 


8.  Learn how to say “no” comfortably - The answer to everything is not “yes”. Being able to say “no” when necessary will allow you to keep your sanity… 


9.  Understand how you manage change - Business is all about change. No sooner do we get into our rhythm with a project or process and it changes…Become self-aware about how you personally process change


10.        Master the art of delegation - You do not have to complete every task, [but] you are responsible for making sure the task is completed…You don’t have to do it all yourself. 

Becoming a supervisor is about developing your team. When your team can effectively do the work, then you can [be away from them without your group falling] apart. [Isn’t self-reliance for others the goal] of a supervisor?[ii]
someone who is very bossy

[i] The definition of a “chain of command” is an official hierarchy of authority that dictates who is in charge of whom, and of whom permission must be asked… Adapted from Google Answers
[ii] This article is adapted from “Tips for First-Time Supervisors” by Sharlyn Lauby. This piece is dedicated to my wife, Bobbi, a first-time supervisor.

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