Wednesday, January 25, 2017


According to mental health professionals, post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD) is a mental condition that results in a series of emotional and physical reactions in individuals who have either witnessed or experienced a traumatic event.[i]

Events that cause the individual to fear for personal life and wellbeing - such as a car collision or other accident, a physical or sexual assault, long term abuse, torture, a natural disaster, living in a war zone, or life-altering experiences like the death of a loved one can all spur the following PTSD symptoms…

1.  Physical Pain - Common physical ailments [that can occur are] headaches (or migraines), dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, breathing difficulties, and stomach…issues.
2.  Nightmares (or Flashbacks) - Re-experiencing [is when a person] suddenly (and vividly) re-lives the traumatic event in a repetitive manner [in dreams or in waking hours]…It may cause both children and adult sufferers to have sleeping difficulties and anxiety leaving the safety of home.

3.  Depression or Anxiety - Mental phobias, which professionals deem as irrational and persistent fear and avoidance of certain objects or situations can cause extreme anxiety…to the point where it causes paranoia and depression.

4.  Withdrawal- Patients with solid social lives and interests may suddenly lose interest in favorite hobbies, activities, and friends that they used to be very passionate about…

5.  Avoidance - Avoidance of any physical or mental stimuli that reminds them of a past traumatic event can be typical… [It] could also cause particular avoidances of places or people or places that are reminiscent you of the traumatic experience.
6.  Repression – [This is] the intentional blockage of memories associated with a past event or experience… The people may destroy pictures or memorabilia of a time in their life or attempt to distracting themselves by throwing themselves into work.
7.  Emotional Numbing - It’s very common for [people]…to try to numb their feelings…Emotional numbing often leads to the gradual withdrawal and eventually the complete isolated from social circles.

8.  Hyper-arousal – [Some people]…suffer jitters so severe that it becomes impossible to relax due to the fear of threats. These individuals can be characterized as “on edge” and “jumpy” or easily frightened.

9.  Irritability- This [is a] state of constant fear and paranoia can cause [touchiness], indecisiveness, and a total lack of concentration, sleeplessness, and difficulty maintaining personal relationships.

10.     Guilt and Shame – Those… who can’t get past their negative experience may find it difficult to move forward and maintain a healthy life. They may blame themselves and constantly relive the event, wondering how they could have prevented it. Often immense shame and guilt will set in if they blame themselves for the tragedy…

Treatment and recovery of PTSD is dependent on being honest with health care professions and your loved ones. Seek social support and get treatment immediately if you experience any symptoms.[ii]

[i] The term “shell-shocked” refers to being mentally confused, upset, or exhausted as a result of excessive stress. This term is used more likely with combat fatigue. (Adapted from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
[ii] Adapted from the article, “The Signs and Symptoms of PTSD” by Featured, Mobile Slider Featured, Your Health
Catherine Roberts. 

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