Friday, January 27, 2017

Cop an Attitude

Our attitude has a profound effect on the quality of our life. Optimism and pessimism create two completely different realities. By taking a few simple steps to adopt a more optimistic and positive attitude, you can enjoy both immediate and long term benefits…[i]

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.” [ii]

The fact is optimistic people tend to experience much greater personal joy on a day-to-day basis than their pessimistic counterparts.

The prospect of a longer healthier life is also a scientifically proven benefit of living with an optimistic and positive attitude. In contrast, a negative, pessimistic mindset has been shown to contribute to scores of health challenges including immune disorders, cancer, and heart problems…

Learning to maintain a positive attitude during stressful times can be challenging…Let’s consider eleven simple steps you can start using immediately to move you in a more optimistic direction.

1.  Think Gratitude - A grateful mindset exerts a powerful influence on your outlook…As you focus more on what you are grateful for in your life (even the really small blessings), you will worry less about anything that may be lacking…

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” [iii]

2.  Choose Happiness - Being happy is not about circumstances or any other outside force. Happiness is a decision we make…Fold it around [you] like a big comfortable blanket.

“The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.” [iv]

3.  Substitute Challenges for Problems - Instead of trying to repair a malfunction, your resources are recruited to search for a new opportunity. Seeing an experience as a challenge will focus your attention on a positive outcome.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”[v]

4.  View Life as a Journey - A journey is an adventure of discovery. When we are on a journey we don’t fear change, we welcome it…This is the perfect positive attitude to carry with you every day.


5.  Stop and Smell the Roses - When you constantly feel rushed and scattered, it can be difficult to maintain an optimistic outlook…By pausing briefly to really taste your food or enjoy a beautiful piece of music, you remind yourself of the joy of simplicity.

“It is always wise to stop wishing for things long enough to enjoy the fragrance of those now flowering.” [vi]

6.  Begin Your Day On a Positive Note - Find a few minutes each morning to clear your mind, and then think positive thoughts about the upcoming day… Let your optimistic and positive attitude flow into your entire day.


7.  Be Positively Aware - Make it a habit to actively search for the positive side of everything…Being alert to all the reasons to feel optimistic about your life also helps move your attention away from the negative side of life.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” [vii]

8.  Act Out Happy - You can use words and body language to program your nervous system…Our personal perspective takes a lot of clues from how we act. If you act like a happy optimistic person, your mind accepts that as your reality…


9.  Hang Out With Optimistic People - Use the power of peer influence to feed your sense of optimism. The positive attitude of the people around you can be a powerful force for good…

10.     Do A Gratitude Review Nightly - This is a great way to end your day. Before you go to bed think of at least ten things that you are truly grateful for…

“Reflect each day on all you have to be grateful for and you will receive more to be grateful for.” [viii]

11.     Minimize Exposure to Negative Influences - Stop watching, reading, or listening to the news. If you can free yourself from this negative influence it will change your life. Without that pervasive daily dose of despair, you will find it so much easier to be optimistic and to focus on positive things in life.[ix]

[i] The definition of “cop an attitude” is to show that one believes he (or she) is more important (or better) than other people by behaving in a rude (or unpleasant) way… Google Answers
[ii] Quote by Earl Nightingale
[iii] Quote by Cicero
[iv] Quote by Martha Washington
[v] Quote by Winston Churchill
[vi] Quote by Patrice Gifford
[vii] Quote by Max Planck
[viii] Quote by Chuck Danes
[ix] Adapted from the article, “11 Steps to a More Optimistic and Positive Attitude” (

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