Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Joy of Writing

Any person who has a hobby they are passionate can in a matter of just a few minutes tell you why they are enthusiastic (and in love) with whatever the hobby might be. I believe most writers (and authors) would agree on the list I have provided below as to why writing is a way of life for me.
1.   Writing allows me to share my opinion. (Shouldn’t you know my opinion more often?)
2.   Writing allows me to fictionalize that which I can no longer remember accurately (or don’t want to remember).
3.   Writing gives me some means of control over my life (when a lot of other things seem out of control).
4.   Writing is a quiet, solitary activity that allows me to listen to that quiet voice in my head (Some might call this meditation).  
5.   Writing allows me to create something which other people enjoy, and I take great pride in.
6.   Writing will (hopefully) one day in the future be a means of extra financial income for my family.
7.   Writing (and being a published author) is a great conversation starter at any social gathering.
8.   Writing immortalizes some part of me for future generations of my family and friends. (Could anyone who knows me really forget me?) 
9.   Writers are (in a greater sense) teachers. They have something so important to impart that they have recorded it in either an electronic, audio, or book format.
10.                     Writing (to someone you know) is among one of the most personal, intimate things that can be done for another person.

What’s keeping you from writing (or journaling) right now?  Don’t procrastinate another day. Remember, someone needs to read what you have to say. (It could change their life forever.) May writing become a way of life for you that you will never stop.

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