Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My Success

God will ensure my success in accordance with His plan not mine.” (Francis Chan)

Many people are seeking to find their purpose in life.  What is God’s purpose for them?  The answer to these questions is of supreme importance not only for believers.  God wants you to know His will for your life.  A good place to start is in prayer, reading the Bible, and in seeking counsel from Christian friends. If you have not placed saving faith in Jesus, then you are out of the will of God.

He desires that all to come to Him in repentance and faith.  You spend so much of your life concerned with how you look on the outside. God cares more about the inside than He does about the outside. Learn to trust Him and to hear His voice in prayer.

Will you spend time growing your character so that you can become all God desires for you? Let’s bring Him glory through how you mature on the inside. For many of us, finding God's will for our lives may seem misleading. Finding God’s will is much easier than you make it. Here are four steps to help identify God's will and purpose for your life:

Identify Your Spiritual Gift(s)-Discovering God’s will and calling at a personal level can be a little more challenging. A good place to start is by identifying your spiritual gift(s). God has created each of us with special talents and abilities, but He’s also given us unique gifts (1 Corinthians 12:11). Our spiritual gifts are a serious indicator of what God expects us to do for Him (Romans 12:4-8).

The best way to identify your spiritual gift is in prayer, and to start serving in various capacities. What brings you joy? Seek out ways to minister within your church and community. Be sure to get counsel from others about the effectiveness of your ministry. If you are sure you know your spiritual gift(s), there should be other, wise believers that agree.

Live Actively Not Passively-Don’t wait for God to show you His personal will. Assume that you are in His will today and that He will guide you and reveal more as you walk with Him. That means it’s time to take action. Many of us wish God would send us a letter in the mail detailing the next five years. And even though you know He won’t, you can waste our energy sitting around waiting for that clear "sign."

Or worse, allow other people to control and direct the course of our life. But you were each designed to actively fulfill a unique purpose during our time on earth—one that both glorifies our Father and brings us great joy. Let’s live, pray, and minister every day with conviction that He has a calling for our lives. Be proactive—"stir up the gift of God which is in you" (2 Timothy 1:6). Ask God for wisdom and direction (James 1:5). Tell Him you want to do what He has created and called you to do.

Nurture Your Calling-When you actively and obediently serve the Lord, He will reveal His will for us. As He does, you are held accountable and responsible for nurturing that will being faithful to what God has called us to do. Think of it as the difference between being a child and a steward. A child is a seeker while a steward is a server. A child wants to know "What?" while a steward asks "Where and when?" A child is curious—"What is your will for me?"—while a steward is committed: "I'm here to do Your will, O Lord."

 When God gives us the direction you seek, you need to be faithful stewards of that will and act on it. It is God’s responsibility to show us His will for our life and our responsibility to nurture His calling and perfect it for His glory. I know of no more energizing factor in the Christian life than a personal conviction of knowing and fulfilling God's call for your life. I challenge you to pursue His will and perfect it for His glory.

Understand Your Calling as a Christian-The reality is God has revealed most of His will to us in His Word already. All Christians are "called to be saints" (Romans 1:7). In fact, the word "church" in the original Greek refers to those “called out”—in a spiritual sense, called out of the world to God. So every Christian has a divine purpose: “to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1). You have a purpose as servants of Christ to carry out the instructions He left with His apostles—to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples in all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:19-20). Are you living according to God's revealed will? If you expect God to reveal to us His will that you don't know, you need to adhere to His will that you do know. That’s the important first step.

 “Being a Christian is less about cautiously avoiding sin than about courageously and actively doing God's will.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) [i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “4 Steps to Finding God's Will for Your Life” by David Jeremiah
·        “God has a Plan for You” by Jeff Simmons
·        “How to Find God’s Will in Your Life” by Jack Wellman

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