Wednesday, November 7, 2018


“Persons with the worst breath generally want to get as close to a person as possible when they have a communication to make.” (T. J. Taft)

Halitosis (chronic bad breath) is a condition in which a person emanates an unattractive odor from their mouth. True halitosis is a persistent smell that does not go away after brushing, flossing, and rinsing. It can be demoralizing and embarrassing, so much so that many people are reluctant to even mention it to their dentist.

The everyday “morning breath” most people wake up with is not halitosis. Neither is the five minutes of bad breath you’ll experience after eating the occasional spice-heavy exotic meal. Bad breath is not a product of modern day lifestyle. Halitosis was a problem back in ancient Greek and Rome at least a thousand years ago.

Halitosis has a number of possible causes like cavities, gum disease, cracked fillings and dirty dentures. Then there are the dietary factors like acidic foods, sweets, coffee, alcohol, onions, and garlic. Here are some facts about halitosis that you may not have known:

1.   A low carb diet like ketogenic diet or the Atkins diet causes excessive ketone production, which causes bad breath. But this is a reversible side effect that can be corrected by stopping the diet or drinking enough water.


2.   Bad breath doesn’t need not always originate from the mouth. The odor may arise due to problems in the ears, nose, or throat.


3.   Certain vices can cause your breath to stink. Smoking tobacco, chewing betel nut, and drinking alcohol are all known to cause bad breath. Even passive smoking can lead to halitosis.


4.   Diabetes, asthma, kidney problems and gastrointestinal problems can also cause halitosis. It could also be a symptom of tonsillitis; sinusitis and rhinitis.

“Did you know? Pressing a slice of cucumber to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds takes care of bad breath?” (Anonymous)

5.   Halitophobia is a condition where a person fears bad breath despite having no halitosis at all.


6.   Halitosis is a universal problem affecting both men and women. More men are prone to have bad breath than women. Although bad breath affects all age groups, the incidence of halitosis increases with age.


7.   Mouth breathing in children is a leading cause of oral dryness and subsequent halitosis. Around 40 percent of all cases of bad breath in children is due to the evaporation of water from the saliva caused due to mouth breathing.


8.   Poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis, tongue coating, and ear nose and throat (ENT) problems are the common causes of bad breath.

9.   There are two types of halitosis: primary and secondary. Primary refers to the air exhaled by the lungs. Secondary halitosis originates in the mouth and upper airways.

 “We should have a way of telling people they have bad breath without hurting their feelings. Well, I'm bored. Let's go brush our teeth. Or, I've got to make a phone call. Hold this gum in your mouth.” (Brad Stine) [i]

[i] Sources used:

·        “13 things about halitosis or bad breath you didn’t know about” by Sandhya Raghavan  

·        “What Is Halitosis” by Listerine

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