Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Seed

“My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.”  (Michael Jordan)

Dear Son,

When you came into this world, you brought a love into my heart that I had never before experienced. When you spoke your first word, I heard it. With every developmental milestone you reached, you taught me to be proud of your achievements. Now that you are older, you’ve become a valuable person with your own unique personality, opinions, humor, and talents.  I celebrate your individuality and am so honored to be a part of your life.

My love was your very first female one. It will last your entire lifetime even after I’m gone. When I say I love you, it’s the deep feeling a mother has for her son. I often hope that you’re enjoying all life has to offer you. I will love you on your happiest days, or your lowest points. My love will take on numerous different forms, and yet never change. 

You will have times of happiness and disappointment. You will fall in love, and have your heart broken. Life has its ups and downs and is not always fair, but I know your toughness will see you through. Always be true to yourself. There is no one else like you. You never need to change who you are for someone else.

I hope that home (wherever that is) will be a place of comfort. I hope that you’re fulfilled with the close friends you have around you. My love is a persistent hope that never fades of all the possibilities inside you. Figure out what makes you joyful, and pursue it. Follow a path of your own choosing not anyone else’s. Laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. Don’t worry about things you cannot control. You get only one life so enjoy it to the fullest.

Make your truest relationship with yourself. The way you care for yourself will show others how to care for you. Be kind, respectful, and loving to yourself all the time. Don’t be afraid to take bold risks. (It gets easier with time.) Living life too cautiously will leave you with regrets. Get outside of your comfort zone, and watch it expand.

If you ever need me, I’m right here inside your heart. No matter where you are. You can always call me 24/7. As your mother, my love is foundational to the man you are. You are brave and generous. My world is better because of you. My love for you can’t erase your past mistakes, catch you when you stumble, or keep you from failure.

Know that my love you never changes. You will always be my son, and there is nothing that can ever diminish what you mean to me. I always want what’s best for you (no matter the form that takes). You can be sure that I will always be your safe haven. It doesn’t matter how far away you are, or how old we both become. You will always be the reason I sometimes stay awake at night, and worry about your well-being. I am your biggest fan.


“Son, I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly a young man stood before me. I may not be able to carry you now in my arms. But I will carry you in my heart always. - You have given me so many reasons to be proud. I am the most proud to tell the world that [you] are my son. I love you to the moon and back.” (

[i] Sources used:

·        “Letter to My Son” by Grace Bluerock

·         “One Mom's Heart-Bursting Letter to Her Sons about What Saying 'I Love You' Really Means” by Tina Plantamura

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