Saturday, December 24, 2016

Virgin Territory

Their small Bethlehem home was within walking distance from the cave (an animal stable) their Son was miraculously born in thirty-nine days ago.

Mary sat at the rough wooden table nursing Him as she lovingly looked into the deep brown eyes of her content Baby. [i]

Joseph noisily consumed the last few pieces of his breakfast of delicious fruit, fresh fish, and chewy bread before leaving for his work at the carpentry shop. She loved them both so much. At times, her blessings overwhelmed her.[ii]

Reminiscing on her recent past, she wondered how many engaged men would have accepted a woman carrying the Almighty’s Offspring. Jesus was God’s Son.

Both she and Joseph had heard from angelic messengers of the truth of this adventure they were both being asked to take. [iii]There was Jesus getting ready to doze off with contentment after getting His stomach full.[iv]

Later that afternoon, Mary woke up the napping Jesus. She prepared to leave her home with a picnic lunch for Joseph who was working down the dusty path a bit. Looking up at the sky, Mary noticed the odd appearance of a bright star directly above her head.


Looking further down the road, Mary dropped her basket, held the bundled Jesus tightly to her chest, ran quickly to her husband’s side, and excitedly told him to close the shop for the day.

He needed to come home now. With quick comments, Mary explained there were three strange-looking men (and a servant boy) headed to their home as they spoke.

By the time the family took the back streets to the rear entrance of their small abode, three regal magi wearing glittering headpieces waited there a small distance back from their front door.

They were all of various nationalities, of different beard colors (and lengths), and wore brightly-colored fabrics of green, gold, and purple. The three sat on tall, angry camels.

Would the staring neighbors ever have something to talk about now? A young servant boy knocked at their front door as Joseph greeted him on the third knock.

When Joseph inquired of their reason for being there, the young servant boy informed the family they had traveled a little over a month (thousands of miles) from Persia to worship, and give gifts to their Son, the Messiah. The servant begged not to turn his masters (royal astrologers), Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar, away.

Inside the meager dwellings, the infant Jesus stared in utter fascination as the strange sparkly men placed their three unique gifts at the feet of His seated mother (and stepfather, Joseph).  [v]

Mary knew the black chest of gold pieces was fit for the powerful King her Son would become one day. (They would help this family financially.) Would He one day overthrow the repressive Roman government?

The silver jar of the frankincense was used by priests in the temple to worship deity. The angel Gabriel informed her that the Father of this Child she loved so much she was her divine Heavenly Father. This was unbelievable as Mary had never had sexual relations with a man.

Mary gently bit on the inside of her lower lip to hold back the tears that she was feeling as she viewed the last item. The Myrrh oil inside the purple vase was used to prepare the dead for burial.

One day, this little Boy she adored would grow into an honorable Man able to teach other’s His Father’s truths. She couldn’t ignore her mother’s intuition that something horrible was going to happen to her Son one day.

Was crucifixion to be His lot one day as she’d seen so many others suffer?[vi] Right now she needed to ignore those thoughts, and (along with Joseph) raise Jesus as a normal Jewish boy.

She hoped to give Him many younger half-siblings (in the future with Joseph)for Him to grow up with. Mary allowed each one of the kings to hold, and view their Savior. After this, they left as suddenly as their appearance.[vii]


That night as Mary lay restless (and wide awake) on her straw pallet next to her snoring husband and tiny sleeping Son; she thought of all the wonderful memories her small family had experienced so far.[viii] (Her life was good.)

She felt something traumatic was going to happen soon (involving King Herod and the death of many male infants in hopes of killing Jesus). The three of them needed to flee to the safety of Egypt immediately. Where were all these negative thoughts coming from (or were they warnings from God)?

Was Joseph also being given the same message in his dreams? Whatever was about to happen, Mary would walk in love beside the husband that was her life partner. How could she ever overlook all the treasures that the Almighty had given her?[ix]


[i] "Still Her Little Child" (words and music by Ray Boltz)
When she laid him in a manger
He was still her little child
In a city filled with strangers
He was still her little child
Though the inn was full
And the night was cold
She held Him close and smiled
When she laid Him in a manger
He was still her little child

When the angels called Him Savior
He was still her little child
When the wise men gave Him treasures
He was still her little child
When the shepherds bowed before Him
A star shone all the while
When the angels called Him Savior
He was still her little child

When He grew in strength and wisdom
He was still her little child
When He spoke the people listened
He was still her little child
When He healed the lame and dying
They would follow Him for miles
And when he grew
In strength and wisdom
He was still her little child

When the people turned against Him
He was still her little child
When they shouted crucify Him
He was still her little child
And when they nailed Him
To a wooden cross
Then we were reconciled
When she held His broken body
He was still her little child
He was still her little child
[ii] “Virgin territory” refers to completely unexplored or untested field(s) or area(s) of activity. This phrase has a double meaning. Like many wives (and mothers), the Virgin Mary’s area of influence would have been her home, which would be her territory. (}
[iii] See  Matthew 1:18-24
[iv] For more information on the age of Jesus in this short story, click this link:
[v] “Joseph’s Song” (performed by Michael Card, abridgement)
Chorus 1
How could it be this baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be
Lord I know He's not my own
Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father let this baby be
The son of my love

Chorus 2
Father show me where I fit into this plan of yours
How can a man be father to the Son of God
Lord for all my life I've been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king, How can I raise a king
He looks so small, His face and hands so fair
And when He cries the sun just seems to disappear
But when He laughs it shines again
How could it be

[vi]Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 (GNT)
Was Calvary not the greatest test of Mary’s maternal love? God got her through this traumatic event. Can He not guide you through anything?
[vii] This fictional account is adapted from Matthew 2 ( Magi visitors to Jesus)
[viii] “Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself.” Luke 2:19 (MSG)
[ix] An earlier version of the short story you just read was chosen as a semi-finalist back in 1995 for a writing contest in a national competition. I do not remember the outcome. It was adapted from a short story entitled “Mary’s Hidden Treasures” written by me on February 26, 1995 from the Home Builders’ bulletin at Fellowship Baptist Church, Columbus, OH.

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