Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dissatisfaction Guaranteed

As an adult, have you ever had those times in your life when felt like you were a frustration to everyone that held any importance in your world? (God, family, friends, co-workers) Maybe your original feeling of disappointment came during your childhood with an overly critical parent that you just couldn’t please. Do you relate to the poem that follows?[i]

God gave us fingers – [Mom] says, “Use your fork.”
God gave us voices - [Mom] says, “Don’t scream.”
[Mom] says eat broccoli, cereal, and carrots.
But God gave us [taste buds][ii] for maple ice cream.

God gave us fingers – [Mom] says, “Use your [napkin].”[iii]
God gave us puddles – [Mom] says, “Don’t splash.”
[Mom] says, “Be quiet, your father is sleeping.”
But God gave us garbage can covers to crash.

God gave us fingers – [Mom] says, “Put your gloves on.”
God gave us raindrops – [Mom] says, “Don’t get wait.”
[Mom] says be careful, and don’t get too near to
Those strange lovely dogs that God gave us to pet.
God gave us fingers – [Mom][iv] says, “Go wash ‘em.”
But God gave us [mud puddles][v] and nice dirty bodies.
And I ain’t too smart, but there’s one thing for certain –
Either [Mom’s] wrong, or else God is.[vi]

Often the cycle of disappointment can be most obvious in the way an individual handles, attains, or loses success. Think about this. The real character of an individual often becomes most apparent when the positives of life are not quite as wonderful as is expected. You can always trust God to get you through all the ups and downs of your world.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”[vii]

The choruses (of all the songs) below have this in common. Your Heavenly Father loves you (more than you realize). He is capable of getting you through the worst disappointment in your life.

1.    You are God, You're the Great "I Am"
Breath of life I breathe You in
Even in the fire, I'm alive in You!
You are strong in my brokenness
Sovereign over every step
Even in the fire, I'm alive
I'm alive in You!

3.    You're a Good, Good Father
It's who you are, It's who you are, It's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, It's who I am, It's who I am

4.    I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

“Does your happiness depend on everything in your life being just right…We all experience times in life when we feel down for various reasons, but we can't allow our circumstances to control our emotions…Jesus is our Encourager, and He came to lift us up…He wants us to expect good things for our future...

Deep emotional hurt can come from a series of minor annoyances and frustrations. That's why we must know how to handle the small, daily disappointments and keep them in perspective…

When things don't go the way we hope, it is normal to feel disappointment…If we remain in a state of disappointment for too long, it can turn into discouragement, despair, and even depression…

Feelings are fickle. They change from day to day…They can often contradict the truth of what God says about us…We may not always feel like praising God, but taking a few moments to talk to the Lord.

We can't expect to be sheltered from every little thing. Disappointment is a fact of life; one that must be dealt with. If not, discouragement and devastation are never far away…

Thank Him for His goodness is one of the most powerful weapons we have to fight discouragement…We’ll never be able to completely avoid disappointments in life, but we can choose how we react to them.

Instead of concentrating on your problems and getting discouraged, focus on God and meditate on His promises for you. You may have fallen down, but you don't have to stay down…”[xii]

[i] Inspired by the sermon, “Breaking the Cycle: The Cycle of Disappointment,” Installment Five (final), Sunday, October 30, 2016,  Pastor Dave Jansen, CenterPoint Church Gahanna, Gahanna, OH

[ii] Original word “tasteys”

[iii] Original word “hanky”

[iv] Original word “Ma”

[v] Original words “coal bins”         

[vi] Adapted from the poem, “Ma and God” by Shel Silverstein, from the book, Where the Sidewalk Ends.

[vii] I Peter 5:7, NIV

[viii] “Alive in You” by Jesus Culture

[ix] “Our God” by Chris Tomlin

[x][x] “Good, Good Father” by Zealand Worship

[xi]Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin

[xii] Adapted from the articles,How to Deal with Disappointmentand How to Pick Yourself Up from Disappointment” by Joyce Meyer (

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