Friday, November 4, 2016

Cut from the Same Cloth

“…Isn’t everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God…”[i]

Betty (and Jack) Willer reentered my life for a second time in 2009 when I desperately needed their help. The first time Jack entered my life was as the principal of the Christian school my mother enrolled me and my two siblings in after the death of my father. [ii]

At this same time, Betty chose to stay in the background (of her husband’s calling), and be the mother that she wanted to be to raise her children.

I am certain that Jack was not the person that made his wife aware of the Kinker family. (Chances are our mutual friend, Charlotte Massey, was responsible for telling Betty of our existence. This would be Betty’s first indirect entrance into my world.)

Years later I was no longer a teenager, but a grown man with family duties. I was in my mid forties, and starting to go through all that was involved in moving me into a state of wellness (and eventually remission) with my cancer.

My wife realized she couldn’t work full-time, and get me to all the appointments that were needed.  A plea on Facebook for transportation assistance brought an older Willer couple to my aid in getting where I needed to be. Since that time, Bobbi and I have developed a close relationship with this couple.

Betty and I have both enriched each other’s lives with our friendship. (Being able to get reacquainted with Betty and Jack has been one of the sweetest gifts a loving Heavenly Father could have given me.)

You might wonder what a man (in his fifties) could possibly have in common (with a woman in her eighties). The answer is we are more similar than you might think (at first sight).[iii] Here are some of the items we share in common:

1.  Jack Willer (and Northside Christian School): Betty has Jack as husband and father, and the school he stared. I get him as school principal and (along with Betty) the editor of my three books.

2.  Blogging: Betty has her own blog, GaGa’s Bloggin ( Though Betty cannot write as much as she might like to (due to a heart condition), what she does manage to post are bits of gold nuggets of wisdom that everyone benefits from. (Bobbi and I were thrilled to help her set up her own blog on Google Blogger this year.)

Betty is a regular reader of my blog. She always has wonderful insights any time comments on some aspect of one of my posts. Whatever she communicates encourages me as a writer (and a man).

Betty has helped me realize that my writing is making a difference in the lives of my readers. It’s good to know I heard the Almighty correctly when he told me to start ENCOURAGE ME.

3.  Talking: Betty has had so many more unique experiences in her life than I will ever be privileged enough to have known in my lifetime.

When I call her on the telephone, I know our conversation will cause me to lose track of the amount of time we are talking. (This is because our talks are as vital to my well-being as a cool summer breeze is to a sweltering hot day in August.)

I adore asking Betty many questions that bring about more interesting stories (overflowing with experience that comes with age). Betty makes me feel like an honorary member of her family. (I get the feeling I’m not the only one to experience this.)

4.  Reading – Betty loves her Kindle, and reading a good fiction especially mysteries. (When I introduced her to The Southern Sister mystery series by the late Ann George, she has re-read it multiple times, laughed and shared it with family.)

My criterion for a good book is what catches my fancy. If it’s available on compact disc (from the library) to listen to as I drive, and it looks interesting (according to the book cover summary on the back); that’s a winner in for me.

5.  Pets – Betty loves Tigger (her cat), and my family has our three dogs (Chico, Rosco, and Lola) that make our lives meaningful. Our pets are part of the fabric of our family life. Both the Kinkers and the Willers need the unconditional love (of our pets). It upsets us when our pets are in pain, but we all know that they often understand us better than humans do.

Betty is a prime example of how the Heavenly Father can use your limited resources for His glory. God always knows our true internal motives.”[iv]

As Betty’s friend, these (abridged) lyrics[v] say exactly what I believe Betty wants her life to continue to be (until God calls her home to Heaven one day). Can you honestly agree the words below are true of you, too?
Let my life be a picture of You.
Let me be a letter written by Your hand
For the world to read, see, feel,
And to know You live in me

When it comes to our friendships, here are some worthy thoughts to consider.[vi]

1.     “A friend is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.”

2.    “Friendship is to be purchased only by friendship.”

3.    “A friend is one who comes to you when all others leave.”

[i] I Corinthians 4:7, MSG

[ii] For more information, please see the post entitled, “The Reason for Celebration”

[iii] The cliché “cut from the same cloth” refers to two people being similar in behavior. If you're making a suit, the jacket and trousers should be cut from the same piece of cloth to ensure a perfect match, since there may be differences in color, weave etc. between batches of fabric. Only if the whole suite is cut from the same piece of cloth can we be sure of the match. 

[iv] “…People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7, NLT

[v] “A Picture of You” (Words and music by Pelle Karlsson) Performed by Evie

[vi] All quotes are taken from Apples of Gold, compiled by Jo Petty
Betty, the queen of her castle, with her biological family. (Her family of friends is innumerable.)

[i] I Corinthians 4:7, MSG

[ii] For more information, please see the post entitled, “The Reason for Celebration”

[iii] The cliché “cut from the same cloth” refers to two people being similar in behavior. If you're making a suit, the jacket and trousers should be cut from the same piece of cloth to ensure a perfect match, since there may be differences in color, weave etc. between batches of fabric. Only if the whole suite is cut from the same piece of cloth can we be sure of the match. 

[iv] “…People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7, NLT
[v] “A Picture of You” (Words and music by Pelle Karlsson) Performed by Evie

[vi] All quotes are taken from Apples of Gold, compiled by Jo Petty

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind words about two of the most wonderful people on earth! Love reading your blog,



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