Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Not My Finest Hour

Outside, it was a frigid January afternoon in central Ohio. Inside Staples business had been rather brisk. A jovial “Peyton” came to my register with many items that totaled up to quite a bit of money. Peyton handed me several coupons that he hoped would bring down the bottom line. One by one the cash register gave an explanation as to why the many coupons were not valid.

Peyton angrily questioned every coupon rejection as I firmly stated that none of them would work with this transaction. (My manager wanted me to be firm on this situation.) I asked Peyton if he wanted any of these items. He gave me a big “no,” and made sure as he left that everyone knew that this Staples would never again get his business.

As Peyton stomped out, I did my best to loudly explain how I couldn’t override the register. (I had no desire to make any exceptions in giving him what he wanted.) Once Peyton was outside my irritated thoughts came out in a loud whisper (or my own version of self talk).

Many of the customers waiting to be served empathized with my frustration. They had heard (and maybe agreed with) the angry profanity version of “bottom break” that had come out of my mouth. (It shouldn’t take much thought to come up with what I actually said.)

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all honestly admit that we’d never made a mistake (or done anything inappropriate)? James 3:2 (MSG) says, “We get it wrong nearly every time we open our mouths. If you could find someone whose speech was perfectly true, you’d have a perfect person, in perfect control of life.”

The important thing is to allow yourself to be human (and all that goes with that). Just as God gives you as many chances as needed to get it right, be patient with yourself (because you will make many mistakes throughout your life).

 I John 4:18 (MSG) states, “There is no room in love for fear…”        Love yourself enough to not be afraid of your imperfections. It’s what makes you the creation the Heavenly Father made for you to share with the world. You can believe that God has wonderful plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Nothing in your existence (good or bad) will go to waste in His blueprint for your life



  “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” (Saint Augustine) It shouldn’t be surprising th...