Sunday, June 14, 2015

Crash and a Pain

When he walked in the door and the two of us began talking. I learned “Tim” was one of those unique souls that has been through more pain than anyone should have to deal with in a lifetime.
Due to several horrendous car accidents, Tim had a variety of costly metal rods in both his arms (with the scars to prove it). One of the automobile injuries had caused Tim to be in a coma for several months.
During our conversation, I learned we had both had brain surgery in common. It is a daunting procedure for anyone to go through. My procedure had been near the base of my brain to discover what the mass near my brain stem was.
Tim had several holes drilled in the top of his brain to relieve the mounting pressure building up there. We showed each other our scars of courage (and fear).
Eventually all Tim’s children showed up. His wife was somewhere shopping in the store, and he needed to find her. She had been in one of his car wrecks with him, and had also suffered a coma.
Due to the head trauma of this couple, for a brief period of time both of these people were medically restricted from driving or living in their home by themselves. (Can you imagine all the things in a house that could be dangerous to someone that was not in their right mind?)
Sometimes people can find unpleasant life experiences as  common factor. That could be something like illness or a life trauma. These are events you did not wish or ask for. Don’t overestimate what a powerful connecting factor between individuals that they can be.

Never be afraid to open up this painful part of your heart to share with someone. So open up, and become the real person you’ve always hoped to be.

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