Saturday, January 31, 2015

Permanent Decorations

I have the quirky kind of personality that heads into a controversial conversation instead of running away from it like a normal person would. Many of my relatives (and friends) have tattoos (or body jewlery).
I would like you to know my own personal viewpoint on this topic. Tattoos are fine as long as they can be covered for work purposes. The same goes with piercings (except for earrings for both sexes). Gages (or branding) are among my most unfavorite ways for one to disfigure themself for the rest of their life. (People’s idea of beauty can change over the years.) Do people make assumptions about you based on your appearance?
Stacy London, moderator of the TLC’s Love Lust or Run, makes some thought-provoking statements at the beginning of this show that indirectly apply to our topic (and life in general) . “When it comes to personal style your look says a lot about who you are, but what kind of message are you really sending? Does the world see you as you see yourself?”
The Bible has this to say about the topic of body art.  Leviticus 19:28, Deuteronomy 14:1 – These verses were given to the Jewish people during the time of Moses. These laws no longer apply to us. To summarize, you are not to get tattoos, body piercings, or separate a uni-brow with a razor as a tribute to a dead person. In reverse logic if the person is living (or you want to do it for the fun of it), you are good to go with God.
I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19-20 –These verses also go together (as they say pretty much the same thing). In these verses your body is referred to as sacred temple (owned by God). Honor the Father with your body. He bought your soul. Whoever destroys the body will be judged by the Creator. These verses refer to sexual promiscuity. If you instead translate them to refer to tattoos, piercings, and body jewelry, one would wonder if judgment is certain when body modifications like those above are made. (To wonder this about these scriptures would be a biblical mistranslation, but it never hurts to try on a new twist.)

The Heavenly Father sees the value in you just as you are. Don’t reject Him again. He already knows your deepest, darkest secrets so tell Him all about the real you today. God can work with your schedule whatever it is. He really loves you, and needs to spend time with you.

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