Friday, January 23, 2015

A Second Chance

On a Wednesday during my cart recovery duties, I assisted an older man in loading his groceries into the trunk of his sport’s utility vehicle (SUV). When I noticed he had two gallons of chocolate milk, I commented on how much I enjoyed this beverage. He proudly stated that it was for his grandchildren, who were spending some time with him.
He declared that as a father he’d been so busy providing for his family that he’d not always been the best dad. He enjoyed being a grandfather so much that this man wished fatherhood could have come second with being a grandparent first.
This gentleman was excelling at being a grandfather. He loved getting what seemed like a second chance to make a difference in the life of his children. Our conversation concluded with me taking this grandfather’s cart, and wishing him to have a good day.

Is there anyone in your life you wish a do over could happen with? No one can change the past. Things can be done differently in the present, which can alter your future. If you need to apologize to someone, don’t wait. The longer you put this off the harder it will get. Your mind will turn this rock-sized issue into a boulder the longer you delay this. It’s long past time to grow up, and stop acting like a child (I Corinthians 13:11). As hard as this is, you can do it.

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