Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Good Samaritan

It does my heart good to view a stranger helping another stranger at my work. It all happened in the parking lot of my store. A middle-aged woman bundled up for an Ohio winter with a white fur hat (let’s call her Nancy since I never got her name) was on her lunch break from her at-home job. Nancy’s car decided to die on her. She was about to head in the store for something called dry gas from our automotive section. I volunteered to help her find it.
Along comes a fiftyish woman (I’ll call Gladys) with short flaming red hair, and an adorable yapping Yorkshire terrier in a plaid sweater.  Nancy’s savior didn’t look like one. She showed up when she was needed most. Gladys gave Nancy a ride home. According to Nancy, she lived close by. I assume she made it home before her lunch hour concluded (I had to leave), got back to her computer work, and dealt with the car later as it sat in the parking lot of the store.

The Message translation of Psalm 133:1 says, “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!” It benefits everyone when we treat each other nice just out of the goodness of our heart. This is achievable. Give it a try.

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