“Textpectation [is] the anticipation felt when waiting for a response to a text.” (Verbalists Education)
A portmanteau is a large suitcase.
The word comes from French word for porter meaning "carry"
and manteau meaning "mantle, or cloak" It' opens in halves,
and is what you carry clothes in. A portmanteau word is one that
results from blending two or more words (or parts of words) so that the new
word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.
It’s tempting to say that portmanteau words
are just like compound
words, but they’re not. Compound words like “firefighter” and “ladybug” also
use two words to make a new word. In a portmanteau word, one or both of the
words is shortened in a clever way.
You might remember portmanteau words from
Lewis Carroll's novel, Through the
Looking-Glass (in 1871), where Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the portmanteau word,
in which "two meanings are packed up into one word." So, according to
Humpty Dumpty, slithy means "lithe and slimy," and mimsy is
"flimsy and miserable." Below are 100 portmanteau examples with
their definitions. (Do you recognize some of these familiar portmanteaus?)
Adware (advertising + software) - online advertisements that generate
Affluenza (affluent + influenza) - belief that a person’s wealthy status
causes lack of motivation and empathy
Ampersand (and + per se + and) - & symbol that means “and”
Animatronics (animation + electronics) - mechanical puppets
Athleisure (athletic + leisure) - comfortable sports attire meant for leisure
Aussiedoodle - offspring of an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle
Bionic (biology + electronic) - mechanical body parts
Biopic (biography + picture) - biographical movie about a real person’s
Bit (binary + digit) - basic unit of digital information
Blog (web + log) - online journal or diary (vlog is the term for “video
Bollywood (Bombay + Hollywood) - the Indian film industry
Botox (botulism + toxin) - dermatological procedure that injects a
strain of botulism into the skin to prevent and treat wrinkles
Brainiac (brain + maniac) - a very smart person
Breathalyzer (breath + analyzer) - tool for analyzing someone’s alcohol
consumption by scanning their breath
Brexit (Britain + exit) - the 2016 referendum for Britain to leave the European
Bromance (brother + romance) - close friendship between two males
Brony (brother + My Little Pony) - male fandom of the My Little
Pony series
Cama - offspring
of a camel and a llama
Chillax (chill + relax) - admonition to tell someone to calm down
Chug -
offspring of a Chihuahua and a Pug
Cockapoo - offspring of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle
Cosplay (costume + roleplay) - hobby in which people (roleplayers) dress
up and act as fictional characters offstage
Coywolf - offspring of a coyote and a wolf
Cronut (croissant + doughnut) - flaky iced pastry
Cyborg (cybernetic + organism) - robotic human or animal
Dramedy (drama + comedy) - a story that has both dramatic and comedic
Dumbfounded (dumb + confounded) - surprised into silence
Ebonics (ebony + phonics) - term to describe a common dialect in the
American black community
Edutainment (education + entertainment) - entertainment meant to inform its
Eefalo - offspring of a buffalo and a cow, also known as Cattalo
Electrocute (electricity + execute) - to kill with electricity
Email (electronic + mail) - electronic method of communication
Emoticon (emotion + icon) - typed symbols that appear to show faces (e.g., :) before
the introduction of emoji
Fauxhawk (faux and Mohawk) - hairstyle that is styled to look like a Mohawk
Flare (flair + glare) - a burst of light
Fortnight (fourteen + night) - period of fourteen nights, or two week
Frappuccino (frappé + cappuccino) - iced coffee drink
Frenemy (friend + enemy) - friends who don’t always get along, or enemies
who don’t always fight with each other
Froyo (frozen + yogurt) - frozen treat made of yogurt
Gastropub (gastronomy + pub/public house) - pub or bar that serves food
Geep -
offspring of a goat and a sheep
Gerrymander (Elbridge Gerry + salamander) - redistricting an area to include
favorable voters for a politician or party (named for Governor Elbridge Gerry
who started the practice in 1812, and the salamander-shaped district he created
in Massachusetts)
Ginormous (gigantic/giant + enormous) - very large
Glamping (glamorous + camping) - camping with luxurious settings and supplies
Grapple (grape + apple) - hybrid of a grape and an apple
Grolar Bear - offspring of a grizzly bear and a polar bear
Guesstimate (guess + estimate) - an estimate made without enough information
or data
Hangry (hungry + angry) - the feeling you get when your hunger affects
your emotions
Horgi - offspring of a Husky and a Corgi
Imagineer (imagine + engineer) - an engineer who works on creative projects
Infomercial (information + commercial) - advertisement that relays information
Intercom (internal + communication) - loudspeaker system that sends audio
messages to selected people
Jeggings (jeans + leggings) - leggings that look like denim jeans
Juneteenth (June + nineteenth) - Freedom Day in the black community that
commemorates the emancipation of the last American slaves and the official end
of slavery
Labradoodle - offspring of a Labrador and a Poodle
Liger - offspring of a lion and a tiger, also known as a Tigion
Listicle (list + article) - article that features a list of items
Maltipoo - offspring of a Maltese and a Poodle
Malware (malicious + software) - software designed to cause damage to a computer
or network
Mansplain (man + explain) - term for when a man oversimplifies an obvious
fact usually to a woman
Medicare (medical + care) - a government-funded healthcare plan for specific
Mocktail (mock + cocktail) - cocktail without alcohol
Mockumentary (mock + documentary) - a fictional story in the style of a
documentary movie
Modem (modulator + demodulator) - device that transmits data from one
computer to another
Motel (motor + hotel) - lodging designed for motorists
Netiquette (network + etiquette) - proper online behavior and manners
Newscast (news + broadcast) - television or radio show about current events
Obamacare (Barack Obama + healthcare) - popular term for the Affordable
Healthcare Act passed during the Obama presidency)
Pitsky - offspring of a Pit Bull and a Husky
Pixel (picture + element) - an individual photographic element of a
televised or computerized image
Pluot (plum + apricot) - hybrid stone fruit also known as plumcot or aprium
Podcast (iPod + broadcast) - an audio talk show that was first available
on iPods
Pokémon (pocket + monsters) - popular Japanese animation about fictional
creatures that battle each other
Popsicle (pop + icicle) - frozen treat made of juice
Prequel (previous + sequel) - sequel to a film or book that occurs earlier in
the fictional timeline than its predecessor
Puggle - offspring off a Pug and a Beagle
Reaganomics (Ronald Reagan + economics) - “trickle-down” economic policy in
the Reagan presidency)
Romcom (romance + comedy) - a comedy story that has elements of a romance
Sheeple (sheep + people) - derogatory term for those who are perceived to
follow orders and avoid critical thinking
Shepherd (sheep + herder) - person who minds a flock of sheep
Silk (soy + milk) - line of soy milk products
Sitcom (situation + comedy) - narrative comedy story based on a
specific situation
Smog (smoke +
fog) - polluted air
Snark (snide + remark) - a sarcastic or dry comment
Spam (spiced
+ ham) - canned meat product
Splatter (splash + spatter) - wet messy marks
Squander (scatter + wander) - to spend one’s time or money frivolously
Stagflation (stagnation + inflation) - a continuous period of high inflation
and unemployment
Stash (store + cache) - hidden collection of valuables
Staycation (stay + vacation) - a vacation in one’s own town
Taxicab (taximeter + cabriolet) - automobile that transports paying
customers to their destinations
Telethon (television + marathon) - continuous televised fundraiser
Threepeat (three + repeat) - a three-time repeat of an event, usually a
Tofurky (tofu + turkey) - tofu food product flavored to taste like turkey
Twerk (twist + jerk) - dance move that involves jerking your bottom half at
Velcro (velvet + crochet) - brand of fabric adhesives
Wallaroo - offspring of a wallaby and a kangaroo
Webinar (web + seminar) - meeting or lesson available on the Internet
Wholphin - offspring of a false killer whale and a dolphin
Zonkey - offspring of a zebra and a donkey
“Flawsome [is]an individual who embraces their flaws and knows their awesome
regardless.” (Pinterest)[i]
[i] Adapted from:
·"100 Portmanteau Examples of Creative Combined Words” by YourDictionary
·"Portmanteau word” by Britannica
· "Portmanteau” by Vocabulary.com
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