Saturday, August 22, 2020


“Dreams are not what you see in your sleep. Dreams are things which do not let you sleep.” (Cristiano Ronaldo)

Dreams can be fascinating, exciting, terrifying, or bizarre. Adults and babies dream for around two hours per night. People usually have several dreams each night. Each dream typically lasts for between five to 20 minutes.  During a typical lifetime, people spend an average of six years dreaming.
As much as 95% of all dreams are quickly forgotten shortly after waking. According to one theory about why dreams so difficult to remember, the changes in the brain that occur during sleep do not support the information processing and storage needed for memory formation to take place.   Brain scans of sleeping individuals have shown that the frontal lobes—the area that plays a key role in memory formation—are inactive during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the stage in which dreaming occurs.
Researchers have found some differences between men and women when it comes to the content of their dreams. Men reported dreaming about weapons significantly more often than women did, while women dreamed about references to clothing more often than men.

Men's dreams tend to have more aggressive content and physical activity, while women's dreams contain more rejection and exclusion, as well as more conversation than physical activity.  Women tend to have slightly longer dreams that feature more characters. When it comes to the characters that typically appear in dreams, men dream about other men twice as often as they do about women, while women tend to dream about both sexes equally.
A lucid dream is one in which you are aware that you are dreaming even though you're still asleep. Lucid dreaming is thought to be a combination state of both consciousness and REM sleep, during which you can often direct or control the dream content. Approximately half of all people can remember experiencing at least one instance of lucid dreaming, and some individuals are able to have lucid dreams quite frequently.

REM sleep is characterized by paralysis of the voluntary muscles. The phenomenon is known as REM atonia and prevents you from acting out your dreams while you're asleep. Basically, because motor neurons are not stimulated, your body does not move. In some cases, this paralysis can even carry over into the waking state for as long as 10 minutes, a condition known as sleep paralysis. While the experience can be frightening, experts advise that it is perfectly normal and should last only a few minutes before normal muscle control returns.
Consider the personal meaning of your dreams. The things you experience in your dreams are a reflection of the concerns you face in your daily existence. Can you learn your unconscious wishes and desires by interpreting your dreams? Take a closer look at some of the most common dreams and what they mean:

Being Chased- Dreams that feature being pursued by a known or unknown attacker can be particularly terrifying. What do these dreams say about what's going on inside your mind? Such dreams suggest that you are trying to avoid something in your daily life. This dream might indicate a desire to escape from your own fears or desires.

The key to understanding what such a dream might mean depends partly on the identity of your pursuer. Being chased by an animal might indicate that you are hiding from your own anger, passions, and other feelings. If your pursuer is a mysterious, unknown figure, it might represent a childhood experience or past trauma.

If you are being chased by someone of the opposite sex, it means you are afraid of love or haunted by a past relationship. Usually it’s not anything in particular but just the feeling like you’re being chased, and so you run and run. In the dream of course, running and ‘pushing’ your leg muscles to run faster does nothing but slow you down.

Drowning-If you dream about drowning, it means that you’re worried about losing control. Many dreams are about freedom, control, or fears. These are the forces which guide our dreams, those and also love. Dreaming about drowning means you’re feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Consider which areas of your life need fixing, and then do it.

Dying- Dreamers sometimes dream of the death of a loved one or even dream of dying themselves. Popular dream interpretations sometimes suggest that such dreams reflect anxiety about change (or a fear of the unknown). Like death, change can be scary because we do not know what is on the other side of the change, which is why the dreaming mind equates change with death.

Dreaming about the death of a loved one can reflect a similar fear of change especially with regards to children reaching milestones and growing up. Such changes indicate that a child is growing up and a parent's mind begins to wonder where the younger version of the child went. Such dreams of dying reflect a sort of mourning for the inevitable passage of time. Death dreams are fairly personal like most dreams, and so you can’t really put a label on what a death dream means.

On a simpler level though, a dream about death can actually just mean you’re accepting that you’re changing into someone else. When we change, it’s said that we die a ‘small death’, meaning a part of who we were dies and makes way for the person we’re becoming. You’re changing and your brain and body are trying to make sense of it, and sometimes that just appears in the form of dreaming about dying.

Exams- Taking an exam in your dreams might reveal an underlying fear of failure. Exams are stressful experiences in which you are made to face up to your shortcomings. To dream of failing an exam, being late for one, or being unprepared shows that you feel unprepared for the challenges of waking life.

 This type of dream can just mean that you’re being put to the test in waking life, or you feel like you’re being judged by the people around you. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and sometimes it’s just your brain saying you’re being examined by people.

Falling- Dreams It is a myth that if you hit the ground in your dream you will die in real life. Falling dreams are a sign that something in your life isn't going well. It might suggest that you need to consider a new direction in some area of your life. Falling is a symbol of fear in real life, or perhaps of failing at work or in your love life. Falling often expresses a need to let go more and enjoy life more. Falling dreams are super common among people of all ages. It can mean that you’re feeling hopeless and even depressed.

Flying- Dreams about flying can be exciting, and even liberating but they can sometimes be quite frightening (especially for those afraid of heights). Dreams about flying often represent t feelings of independence, or escaping from the realities of life. Flying most frequently involves positive feelings of pleasure. Flying may depict our sexuality as to aspects of it expressing freedom from social norms.

Losing Teeth- Losing teeth might mean that you are worried about your attractiveness or appearance, concerned about your ability to communicate, or said something embarrassing. The real essence of teeth is their ability to bite through, to cut, tear, and grind. If your teeth fall out, you lose personal power and your ability to be assertive, decisive, and self-protective. 

When we’re young and we lose our teeth for the first time (our milk teeth to make way for the real ones), we’re scared it’s usually the first traumatic thing we experience as children. It’s no surprise that the brain links this first experience of fear and trauma with other things in life that make you feel scared or uneasy. That’s why if you dream about your teeth falling out as an adult, it just means you’re worried about the changes going on in your life at that moment.

Public Nudity- Have you ever have one of those awkward dreams where you show up at school or the office in your birthday suit? Don't worry. Dreaming about being naked is hardly unusual.  Dreaming of public nudity might indicate that you feel like a phony or that you are afraid of revealing your shortcomings. We all fear being embarrassed in front of the larger society.

From a young age we’re told that we should always cover up so as to not expose ourselves to people. This means that to dream about being naked means you’re worried about how people will think of you. You’re worried in some way about the way you appear to a friend or family member. Pay attention to how often you have this dream, and think about ways you can reduce the amount you worry.

Spiders-Spiders are probably one of the most commonly feared insects along with snakes and wasps. To dream about something you fear is normal, and actually it’s a good way of getting over your fears. Through lucid dreaming you can actually remove your fears and the way you do this is by just dreaming about the thing you’re scared of more and more.

After a while you start to get used to, and become less scared of it. If you’re scared of spiders and you keep dreaming about them, work with that and just keep dreaming about them. Try and turn it into a lucid dream actually, and you’ll eventually overcome your fear altogether.

Trapped- To dream about being trapped tends to mean you’re just worried about your current situation. This can mean your job, relationship or even which country you’re in. Your mind tends to show you things in a subtle way so if you’re worried about your job holding you back from traveling. Your brain might create a dream in which you’re trapped. A dream about being trapped in a small space usually means you’re just not happy with where you are, and you want to change your current situation.

“Legend says that when you can't sleep at night it's because you're awake in someone else's dream” (Anonymous)[i]

[i] Sources used:

·        “10 Interesting Facts about Dreams” By Kendra Cherry

·        “101 Most Common Dream Meanings: How To Interpret Your Dreams Instantly”  by
·        “15 Interesting Facts about Dreams” by Lina D

·         “9 Common Dreams and What They Supposedly Mean” By Kendra Cherry
This topic was suggested by friend and blog member, Jan Bahr.

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