Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Present

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” (William Arthur Ward)

Gratitude shouldn't be reserved for just special occasions. Showing appreciation for what you have can improve your life year-round. With so much negativity in the world, it can be difficult not to become cynical. Sometimes you find yourself surviving rather than thriving, and gratitude becomes an afterthought. All too often, you base your happiness and gratitude on our circumstances.

 The truth is that if you can’t find happiness and be grateful in the small things in life, chances are you won’t find it in the larger things either. Find three things each day to be grateful for. In your morning routine take five minutes to write these items down (electronically or manually), and say them out loud. Recording it makes it more real rather than abstract concepts living in your mind. You will automatically start to see life more optimistically. Gratefulness will even happen in life’s negative situations. At first, you may feel like you’re forcing it.

Start with things you take for granted. Be grateful that you are alive and breathing, have clean water to drink, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Starting with the obvious is the beginning of practicing gratitude. Once you’ve taken the first step, it will soon become a good habit.  Gratitude is the most direct pathway to both success and happiness. It can change your life because you will appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. Unbelievable benefits will begin to happen for you over time with gratitude. Below are powerful ways gratitude can transform your existence:

 Gratitude emboldens you to reach for your goals-When you set goals the right way, you can quite literally achieve anything you put your mind to. It won’t happen overnight, in weeks, or months, but in years of consistent and persistent gratitude actions. Gratitude helps you to succeed by first creating a platform of internal success. As long as you’re in harmony in your mind, body and spirit, you can reach for your goals.

When you lack joy in your life, and live in a status of negativity, it can be more difficult to move forward. When you’re focused on things that are incorrect with your life, how can you possibly press on untiringly towards goals that are potentially years away from becoming a reality? You can’t. In fact, what tends to happen is that you get distracted, waste time, and engage in pursuits that hinder you rather than help you.

Gratitude improves the quality of your life-From your mental health and wellness, to your emotional fortitude, spiritual aptitude, and your physical strength can all be derived from the simple and basic behavior of gratitude. Gratitude can change your life by literally improving the quality of it. You’re the sum of all your parts, and it’s gratitude that can help to benefit each of those small parts. Studies have uniquely linked gratitude with satisfaction of life and it’s no secret that people who are grateful for things are far more satisfied in their lives.

There’s a sound stability that exists when you can appreciate the importance of things in your life, no matter what shape, size, or form factor it might take on. Many people think that it’s easy for successful people to be grateful because they have so much to be grateful for. Material possessions do help to improve the quality of your life, but money can also mean more problems. Gratitude isn’t about having lots of money. Gratitude must prelude the attainment of large sums of money. When it doesn’t, people can lose it. There’s something called Sudden Wealth Syndrome that can set in, and it’s easy to see why so many lottery winners and inheritance recipients go bankrupt in a very short period after the windfall of cash arrives.

Gratitude shifts your focus-Life is all about focus. Whatever you focus on you move towards. When you lived in a state of negativity, you see more of that. It’s easy to see something in a negative light when you’re focused on that. It’s easy to see all the dilemmas surrounding a situation when your thinking is habitually geared towards that. In turn, it’s also easy to see things in a positive light, even when problems arise. If you’ve ever met an always-positive person, you know just how true this statement is.

Even when something goes wrong, they look for the best in the situation. If they can’t find one, they simply state that something good will eventually come out of whatever they’re going through. But it’s not just about being a positive person; having gratitude can change your life because it breathes positivity into everything you’re doing. It’s a monumental shift in focus, a new way of seeing things, one that involves complete appreciation for the beauty of all things. You move from living in a state of need to living in a condition of sheer abundance in every possible way. This doesn’t happen overnight. This shift in focus requires time and a habitual retraining of the mind, but it will occur in time.

Gratitude strengthens and enhances your faith-Depending the faith (or religion) you believe in whether it’s God (or the spiritual oneness that binds you to each other), gratitude can strengthen and enhance your faith or belief. There’s a deep-rooted appreciation for things that arise for those that are grateful. It becomes baked into the very fabric of their being. In turn, it strengthens their conviction in all things. It’s my belief in God and the realization that I am truly and completely grateful for everything in my life (including all my problems). Gratitude transforms your faith by instilling the belief that you’re not alone.

Whatever it is that you’re going through, it will pass, and on the other end you’ll emerge victorious. You’ll accomplish your goals, overcome your obstacles, and become a better person, one who’s more sympathetic and even empathetic to the dilemma of others. As a result of all of this, you’ll seek out ways you can contribute to society and your fellow man, woman and child. You’ll search for opportunities because you realize that what you have truly is enough and that the focus must become helping others. That’s when true spiritual enlightenment begins.

Gratitude gives you peace of mind-There’s an inner belief that develops when you’re truly grateful for things. It provides sound peace of mind that doesn’t exist when you live with the expectation of certain things. If you’ve ever noticed people who expect certain things out of life, or who attempt to bend the will of others for their personal advancement, you’ll find weak-minded individuals who don’t make it far in life.

There’s a respect that develops for those that can stay humble in the midst of success, fame, or stardom. Humility is an existing attribute of many of the most successful people in the world because they’ve had to endure and recover from the heartache of defeat. They’ve become grateful by not taking things for granted. There’s a certain empathetic nature that’s instilled in the hearts of successful people who had to endure a lot of failure before tasting the sweet victory of success. It all started with an attitude of gratitude that instilled sound peace of mind. It was from that platform that triumph was developed not through deceitful behavior.

Gratitude makes you feel happier-In one study; researchers asked a group of people to write a few sentences every week about a particular topic. One group was instructed to write about things that didn’t make them happy. Another was instructed to write about things that they were grateful for. The control group was instructed to write about things that had occurred but with no focus towards being positive or negative. Here are the results. The group that was instructed to write about things that they were grateful for was happier and optimistic about their lives than the group that had focused on things that had occurred in a negative light.

It’s far easier to go about your day in a state of appreciation when you’re grateful than when you’re not. This isn’t always easy to do because you all have a Hedonic Set Point, or a baseline level of happiness. When that threshold is crossed one way or another, you become either unhappy or happy. This is also referred to as the Hedonic Treadmill, often related to the incessant drive to accumulate things that only bring momentary bliss but don’t offer sustained happiness.

 Gratitude reduces your innermost fears-One clear way that gratitude can change your life is by reducing your fears because it’s hard to be fearful and grateful at the same time. Fear is what occurs when you’re left to dwell on topics that you feel are out of our control. You imagine the worst-possible scenarios and picture your future troubles when you’re living in a state of fear. But by being grateful, fear can be overcome. When you’re utterly grateful for everything you have, including your problems, fear has little place to live in your mind. When you’re fearful of things that put you into a state of scarcity, such as not having enough money to pay our bills or buying groceries, you’re living in a state of need rather than a state of abundance.

Being grateful, however, puts you into a state of abundance. It instills the belief that you’re grateful for what you have, right now in this very moment rather than worrying about what you don’t have or won’t have at some future point in time. Often, you save your gratitude for one holiday of the year (Thanksgiving). On that day, you question yourself about not being grateful every other day of the year. Why does it take a day that’s set aside for giving thanks to stop and do it? Decide, right now, that you’ll create the daily habit of gratitude.

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” (Henri Frederic Amiel)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “7 Crucial Reasons Why Gratitude Can Change Your Life” by Wanderlust Worker   
·        “9 Powerful Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life” by Amy Morin
·        “Gratitude Can Change Your Life” by Phyllis Romero
This topic was suggested by friend and blog member, Pam Nowicki.

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