Wednesday, January 29, 2020


A person who talks too much gets into trouble. A wise person learns to be quiet. (Proverbs 10:19, ERV)

How much talking do you do on an average day? How much real listening do you do where you focus on what the other person is saying?  If you're like most of us, the answer is not enough. Most people tend to treat conversation like a competitive sport in which the person, who says the most, makes the cleverest point, persuades others of an opinion, or even speaks the longest and loudest is the winner.

All of us fall into this trap. All of us find ourselves interrupting all to support our point of view or display our superior knowledge. If you stop and think about it, though, this approach is the opposite of the one you should take. In most conversations, the person who speaks least benefits most and the person who speaks most benefits least.  Below are bad habits you all need to conquer in the year 2020:

Interrupting-This is another obvious listening mistake – when you actually stop the other person from talking to speak yourself. It’s particularly hard not to make this mistake when you’re emotional. When you feel anger at what people are saying, you want to jump in and tell them why they are wrong.

Try giving people a chance to finish their thoughts before saying your piece – you may be making an inaccurate judgment based on a misunderstanding of what is being said. Try to withhold judgment. If things are too heated, it may be best to save the conversation for another time.

Jumping to give advice-This is a much subtler bad listening habit. If a friend is telling you about a problem he or she is having, it’s only natural to want to say something that will help. However, this can distract the listener from fully giving attention to the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. If I try to give advice immediately, I might be shifting the focus back to my own thoughts and feelings – about what

I would do in that situation and how I would feel. This doesn’t mean you should never give advice. If you have something valuable to offer, you very well should. However, you don’t need to rush into it. Listen fully, attentively and empathetically, keeping your focus on the other’s thoughts and feelings before offering your advice. 

Phone use-This is a no-brainer. If you’re pulling out your phone when someone’s talking to you, you’re not being a good listener. You may disagree, calling it multi-tasking – “I can listen while I read a text!” No, you can’t – not well, anyway. Give the speaker your full attention and all that involves – going beyond his or her words to the feeling and intention behind it.

Respect the speaker as someone with something to offer, and as a person with feelings and a perspective of his or her own. Whipping out your phone to send a quick text takes some of your attention from the speaker, and it’s very disrespectful.

Shifting emphasis to oneself-Say someone’s talking to you, and you want to show them that you understand how he or she feels. You want to convey empathy to the speaker – and, as discussed. Empathy is an important part of listening. So you respond to several things he or she says by saying something like, “I know what that’s like,” or telling a story of a similar situation you’ve been in. What’s wrong with that? It’s not always a bad listening habit to convey your empathy in this way, but it shouldn’t be rushed into or relied upon as a response to everything another expresses.

That’s because it draws away from the other person’s feelings to your own, which may not be the same – your experiences are never exactly the same as another’s. Besides, if every response you give is about yourself, it may seem that you’re really only interested in the other person if they give you the opportunity to speak about yourself.

However, sometimes when people come to us with problems, they want to know that they are not alone in their feelings, and it can be very good to hear that the listener has experienced similar things. Just be careful here. Don’t be presumptuous. Make sure you’ve taken the steps outlined below to ensure you’ve really paid attention to the other person’s thoughts and feelings before jumping to your own experience.  

Trying to be better than the speaker-Sometimes, bad listening habits manifest in how you respond to a person. Most of us have encountered this bad habit before. You’re telling someone about what a good time you had at a party and the person can’t wait to tell you about an even more fun and exciting party he or she went to. When you try to be better than the speaker, you’re making it clear that you’re only paying attention to them insofar as they provide an opportunity for you to talk about yourself. This is no way to build a meaningful connection with someone, much less a relationship.  

Waiting for your turn to speak-This is something nearly everyone does: planning out the next thing you are going to say while the other person is in the middle of speaking. When you shift our attention from the speaker to ourselves – to our own thoughts and words – you’re not paying full attention to the other person. It’s extremely hard not to make this listening mistake.

It’s natural to want to be prepared, sound smart, give good advice, have something valuable to contribute to the conversation. But you can still do those things without planning our response before the speaker has finished. Take note of the next time you make this mistake, and then redirect your attention to the person speaking. You’ll find that you can simply take a moment after processing what has been said, and then decide how to respond. Even though you didn’t plan, your response will likely be even better because you’ll know the entirety of what was being said.
Active Listening Action Plan

It’s time to take some concrete steps for learning active listening (listening with your full attention and trying to understand another person. Remember: Skills require practice. Don’t expect to become an expert in active listener. When you catch your attention straying from the speaker to yourself or to something else, just call yourself back, gently, and refocus using the steps below as tools. 

Check in-When you listen you’re trying to understand how the speaker feels and what he or she is thinking. There are a couple ways to ensure that you understand the speaker:

·        Flat-out asking: “Are you saying that…?” is a good way to go.

·        Restating: Repeating back what you think the speaker is saying in different words and awaiting a response.

Checking with the speaker in this way will help you understand him or her better. It will let the speaker know that you’re trying to understand and you’re paying full attention that you value and respect him or her.

Turn off the phone-Limit the temptation of distractions. If someone wants to sit down and have a serious talk, or if someone is giving instructions and trying to teach you something, nothing says “I’m only listening until something else comes up” like your phone going off – especially if you answer it. Before you go into class or to have a heart-to-heart, take a moment to shut the phone off. This establishes immediately where your attention will be. 

Try not to judge right away or react emotionally-There are times when this step is not called for – for example, if someone is saying something very offensive or designed to hurt you. However, most of the time (you hope), this is not the case. Go into your interaction with the intent to understand the other’s feelings, opinions, etc. – not the intent to formulate and voice your own. Those things can come later. Other people are full of new information and perspectives; if you listen fully, they may end up changing the way you currently think and feel. Let’s have the courage to give them that chance.

Face the speaker-If you’re looking to the left, right, back or some other direction beyond the speaker, you’re opening yourself up to a world of distractions. You’re sending a message to the speaker that you may not really be listening. Facing the speaker will help you be, and be received as, a better listener. Try eye contact. Some people aren’t comfortable maintaining eye contact throughout the duration of their interaction, but even meeting eye-to-eye occasionally can help re-establish the fact that you’re focusing.

Build empathy skills-Empathy is the ability to understand another and feel how he or she feels (or close to it) – comes more naturally to some than others. But it can be hard for anyone to step out of his or her own world sometimes. There are ways you can help ourselves become better empathizers:

·        Check your ego: You can’t make an effort to understand another’s feelings if you don’t care about them. If you’re focused only on your own feelings. You may need to start out by checking your ego. Reminding you that other people have value, and have perspectives and experiences that are likely just as important as your own. We’re all the centers of our own universes. Get interested in someone besides yourself. 

·        Ask for more information: If you’re having a hard time understanding how someone is thinking or feeling about something, ask for more information about the situation. Wait until it is appropriate to do so – especially if dealing with a sensitive subject. Temper your questions by what you think he or she would be willing to share with you. 

·        Think about the other person’s view: Build empathy skills by arguing against yourself. This is a very difficult exercise, but can be highly rewarding both in the critical thinking and the empathy departments. Think of a time when you disagreed with someone. Now, try to take the other’s side and develop an argument in support of his or her position.

The more detail, the better. You might want to draw on what you know about that person that may explain his or her position, or you may simply reason through that position. Nothing puts you in another’s shoes and out of your own like the ability to debate yourself. What you gain from the exercise will transfer into all your interactions such as listening to others not just when disagreeing with them.

 “God’s one and only voice [is] silence.” (Herman Melville) [i]

[i] Sources used:
·        5 Fool-Proof Ways to Become a Better Listener” by Good Choices Good Life
·        “7 Smart Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More” by Minda Zetlin
·        “One-up” by

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