Sunday, November 25, 2018


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” (Marcus Aurelius)

A person never runs out of reasons to live thankful. In scripture the idea of living thankful, is not a recommendation. It’s a command. It carries the same weight as “love your neighbor” and “give to the poor.” More than a hundred times, either by imperative or example, the Bible commands us to be thankful. Ingratitude is the original sin.  Adam and Eve had a many reasons to give thanks because they lived in a perfect world.

Then Satan slithered into the garden and, just like that, Eden wasn’t enough. So thank God for who and what you are grateful for. When you have an attitude of gratitude, you will appreciate life, be happy and positive, and celebrate the blessings and yourself. Live thanks all year long. Tell t and show those you are thankful for regularly how much they mean to you. In gratitude for all God has done to rescue us from our sin, He wants us to…

Love God above all else
  You are not to serve any other gods before Me. (Exodus 20:3, VOICE)

Interact with God on His terms

You are not to make any idol or image of other gods. In fact, you are not to make an image of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath. You are not to bow down and serve any image, for I, the Eternal your God, am a jealous God. As for those who are not loyal to Me, their children will endure the consequences of their sins for three or four generations. But for those who love Me and keep My directives, their children will experience My loyal love for a thousand generations. (Exodus 20:4-6, VOICE)

Value God’s name

You are not to use My name for your own idle purposes, for the Eternal will punish anyone who treats His name as anything less than sacred. (Exodus 20:7, VOICE)

Enjoy God’s holy day

You and your family are to remember the Sabbath Day; set it apart, and keep it holy. You have six days to do all your work, but the seventh day is to be different; it is the Sabbath of the Eternal your God. Keep it holy by not doing any work—not you, your sons, your daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, or any outsiders living among you. For the Eternal made the heavens above, the earth below, the seas, and all the creatures in them in six days. Then, on the seventh day, He rested. That is why He blessed the Sabbath Day and made it sacred. (Exodus 20:8-11, VOICE)

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for   tomorrow. “(Melody Beattie)[i]

[i] Inspired by the sermon “ThanksLiving: LIVE Thanks” (installment two) Sunday November 18, 2018, Pastor Dave Jansen, CenterPoint Gahanna Church Gahanna, OH.
Additional sources used:
·        “Don't Just Give Thanks, Live Thanks” by Jennifer Gluckow

·        “Thank God—For Everything” by Max Lucado


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