Saturday, April 28, 2018


When God makes you wait for something, it’s not His way of depriving you, but rather His means of changing you.” (David Qaoud)

 No one likes to wait especially in our present culture where we measure everything on the basis of response time. Most everything comes to us instantly whether it is food or information. While most of us feel the need to rush, God is not in hurry. Waiting means that someone else is in control. Not having control is almost a foreign concept in our society when you can almost have anything you want, at any time.

Waiting is part of what it means to be human. As humans, we have limitations. God knows all things, sees all things, controls all things, understands all things, discerns all things, and possesses all things. Being human, we cannot know the hearts of people. We seldom know our own hearts.

God has a plan and a purpose that is not always on the same timeline that we want. There are details hidden from us to develop our character, our faith, or our dependence upon Him. Our Heavenly Father wants to keep us constantly waiting so that we will be dependent upon Him no matter the circumstance. We will always be waiting on someone or some situation. That's life. Waiting is a Christian discipline. We are not naturally wired or inclined to wait. Waiting is…

·        As much an attitude as it is an activity.

·        Never wasted time. When you are waiting on God, most often He is working behind the scenes to put all the "missing pieces" in our lives in place

·        Not characterized by fretting and worrying.

·        Not passivity or inactivity.

·        Not to be associated with boredom and complacency.

If impatience tempts you to jump ahead of the Lord’s timing, you risk stepping outside of His will and missing His blessings.  Do you know how to wait on the Lord? Here are reasons why your Heavenly Father may make you wait.

1.   He is building dependence on Him:  When we are in an unhealthy condition either physically or emotionally, we tend to lack patience when it comes to our circumstances. We also begin to look for thrills in life. In our physical life, it leads to obsessions and to destruction; and in our spiritual life, it will result in the destruction of us morally. Having the reality of God’s presence is not dependent on our determinations to keep the Lord before us continually.  


2.   He is building patience in your life: Waiting on God means patiently looking to Him for what we need. Only our Heavenly Father can deliver us. Our only hope is in God alone. He hears our prayers. Our prayers often revolve around asking God to hurry up and bless what we want done. What if God’s answer to us is simply: “Be patient. Wait upon me”?  We can trust His response, even if it doesn’t come in the time we expect.  


3.   He is strengthening you  spiritually: Waiting helps strengthen us spiritually. By the mere term “spiritual strengthening” two things might be suggested to us. Sometimes the Lord has to work to accomplish in us before we are ready to handle what He’s planned for our future. If we instantly received His direction, we would rarely have the opportunity two exercise our faith. Christian maturity becomes evident in the ability to wait in peaceful confidence. We’ll know exactly what to do when we trust in His timing.


4.   He is transforming your character: Waiting builds and transforms our character. Moses became a great leader in his time and God worked through him to bring about many miracles for the children of Israel. Of course he had to go through a long period of processing in the desert for 40 years before God came to him. We know that when he was a young man, he was brash and impatient. Yet, when he was given a second chance, he opted to do it God’s way and in God’s time. Waiting has a way of humbling us and to rub off the tough edges of our lives so that the true Christ like character is revealed in us.


5.   He wants to get your attention: At times, God may be trying to speak to you about a certain situation in your life. When everything is running smoothly, we tend to forget the Lord. But uncertainty draws us back to Him like a magnet. By aligning our steps with His and walking in submission, we open our ears to hear His voice. Our waiting period is God’s preparation time. He may put us on hold to coordinate events to line up with His will.

“Men trust God by risking rejection. Women trust God by waiting.”  (Carolyn McCulley)[i]

[i] Sources used:

·        “5 Reasons God Makes Us Wait” by Terry LaMasters

·        “5 Reasons Why God Makes You Wait” by Lesli White

·        Waiting Time is Not Wasted Time In the Presence of God” by Vangrace Compassion

·        “Waiting Time Is Not Wasted Time” by Ray Noah

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