Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Unexpected

“One cannot plan for the unexpected.” (Aaron Klug)

It was around 230AM on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, I’d just returned to my bed after an early morning bathroom break. The lights were out, and my Chihuahua bed buddy, Lola, and I were settling in to go back to sleep. I then heard a noise every dog owner dreads.

The heaving noise that says vomit is on its way. I turned on my bedroom lamp, and yelled at the queasy Lola to stop (before I could get her outside). I was amazed none of my sleeping family in other parts of the house (two male Chihuahuas, a wife, and daughter) failed to hear my very loud voice.

The damage in this early morning chase resulted in vomit on myself, my pillow, and the living room rug (I think unless I discover surprises later). After a wash cloth, fabric refresher, a clean pillow case and t-shirt, all parties concerned were calm and back in bed quickly. Do you handle unexpected crisis moments in your life with dignity or like some crazy maniac?

“The best things in life happen unexpectedly. The best stories begin with ‘and all of a sudden...’ The best adventures were never planned as they turned out to be. Free yourself from expectations.  The best will come when...you least expect it.” (Word Porn)

Remember the acronym T.A.C.T. when you need to be calm in the middle of life’s crisis (big or small):

·        Think about the situation for just a minute, and allow your mind to settle.

·        Assess the situation by gathering crucial information before making a decision.

·        Consider alternatives by generating options that are available to you.

·        Take a stand on the situation, and follow-though with confidence in your choice.[i]

“As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned. That's what you call God's will.” (Anonymous)
Miss Lola relaxing on our couch

[i] Adapted from: “If Only: Dealing with Unexpected Situations” by Rita Watson

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