Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Financial Peace

"Financial peace isn't the acquisition of stuff. It's learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can't win until you do this." (Dave Ramsey)

As a Christian, I'm always trying to look to God's word in order to learn about how I should be living my life (when it comes to my finances, my personal life and everything in between). The Bible has a many verses about how to deal with money (and investing). Remember, to put your hopes in an eternal God, and not the temporary pleasures of wealth.

It’s important to plan ahead for the future, save, invest, and diversify our money. Here are just a few scripture about this important area of our life.

1.   1 Timothy 6:17-18 (GW) –“Tell those who have the riches of this world not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, they should place their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. Tell them to do [well], to do a lot of good things, to be generous, and to share.”
2.   James 4:13-15 (GNT) - Now listen to me, you that say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot of money.” You don't even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears. What you should say is this: “If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that.”

3.   Luke 14:28-30 (MSG) - Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: “He started something he couldn’t finish.”
4.   Luke 16:10 (GW) – “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with a lot. Whoever is dishonest with very little is dishonest with a lot.”

5.   Proverbs 11:28 (VOICE) – “Those who trust in their wealth are headed for great disappointment, but those who do right will sprout like green leaves in the spring.”
6.   Proverbs 13:16 (AMP) – “Every prudent and self-disciplined man acts with knowledge; but a [closed-minded] fool [who refuses to learn] displays his foolishness [for all to see]”.

7.   Proverbs 16:9 (GNT) – “You may make your plans, but God directs your actions.”
8.   Proverbs 21:5 (ERV) – “Careful planning leads to profit. Acting too quickly leads to poverty.”

9.   Proverbs 22:16 (NCV) – “Whoever gets rich by mistreating the poor, and gives presents to the wealthy, will become poor.”

10.       Proverbs 24:6 (VOICE) – “With wise guidance, you can wage a successful war, and with a council of many advisors, you will be victorious.”
11.       Proverbs 3:5-6 (NCV) – “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and He will give you success.”

Let’s conclude this post with some valuable quotes on the topic of investing your money wisely:

1.  Anonymous Author - “It’s not what you own that will send you bust but what you owe.”

2.  Benjamin Franklin - "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

3.  Benjamin Graham - “Successful investing professionals are disciplined and consistent and they think a great deal about what they do and how they do it.”


4.  John Templeton - “The four most dangerous words in investing are: ‘this time [it is] different’.”


5.  Paul Clitheroe - "Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth."


6.  Peter Lynch - "Know what you own, and know why you own it."

7.  Peter Lynch - “If you’re prepared to invest in a company, then you ought to be able to explain why in simple language that a fifth grader could understand, and quickly enough so the fifth grader won’t get bored.”


8.  Phillip Fisher - "The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing."

9.  Robert G. Allen - "How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case."

10.      Warren Buffet“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”


11.      Warren Buffett - “I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”[i]

[i] Adapted from “30 Bible Verses about Investing: Getting Good Counsel, Planning Ahead and Diversifying” by Peter Anderson. On Proverbs 13:16, brackets were added by the Amplified Bible, and not me. 

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