has no possible way of entering into fellowship with the soul that is
disobedient to His will. Believe me, it is absolutely useless. It is mere
mockery, to say ‘Lord, Lord’ and then refuse to do the things that He commands
you to do." (Clovis G. Chappell)
Retail Sales Associate, Greg Bell,
from the LifeWay Christian Store in Mount Juliet, TN, had an experience with a
customer whose life was not what it needed to be in her relationship with God. Greg
was where the Almighty needed him to be. Here is his story told in his own
words as it is recorded in the article, “My
LifeWay Story: Returning to God”
(February 2017)
1. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14, BRG)
Maybe it’s the male vulnerability thing, but total honesty honestly frightens
2. “Remember that if you are a child of God, you will never be
happy in sin. You are spoiled for the world, the flesh, and the devil. When you
were regenerated there was put into you a vital principle, which can never be
content to dwell in the dead world. You will have to come back, if indeed you
belong to the family.” (Charles
3. “Our
wrongdoings pile up before you, God. Our sins stand up and accuse us. Our
wrongdoings stare us down. We know in detail what we’ve done. Mocking and
denying God (not following
our God), spreading false rumors, inciting sedition (pregnant with lies),
muttering malice.
is beaten back. Righteousness is banished to the sidelines. Truth staggers down
the street. Honesty is nowhere to be found. Good is missing in action. Anyone
renouncing evil is beaten and robbed.” (Isaiah 59:12-15, MSG)
This list of my wrong doings makes me realize
there is still a lot of room for improvement in my life that needs to happen.
4. "The Christian life is very much like
climbing a hill of ice. You cannot slide up. You have to cut every step with an
ice axe. Only with incessant labor in cutting and chipping can you make any
progress. If you want to know how to backslide, leave off going forward. Cease
going upward and you will go downward of necessity. You can never stand
still." (Charles Spurgeon)
5. “Keep persisting in prayer, staying alert in it and being
thankful.” (Colossians 4:2, CJB) If I could just pray for those that hurt me
instead of telling them off.
6. “Backsliding (generally first) begins with neglect of
private prayer.” (J. C. Ryle)
7. “I will heal their
waywardness, and love them freely…My
anger will turn away from them.” (Hosea 14:4, NET Bible) I love God’s always-forgive policy no matter
how much I mess things up.
8. “When you are not sure of your salvation, it is very easy to get discouraged and to backslide.”
(Zac Poonen)
In closing, consider the role
of high-quality biblical preaching in helping a Christian remain powerful in
their faith. Preacher Billy Sunday had this to say, “The backslider likes the preaching that wouldn’t hit the
side of a house, while the real disciple is delighted when the truth brings him
to his knees.”
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