Friday, January 20, 2017

My Addiction

Regarded by many as the tastiest food on Earth, dark chocolate also has many health benefits…

1.  It helps your brain - Chocolate is thought to stimulate your brain in a number of ways. The important flavenoids found in dark chocolate are known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce memory loss in older people, and improve the faculties of those suffering from brain injuries like concussions.

Chocolate is also known to reduce stress, which is one of the most common lifestyle factors that can have a detrimental effect on your cognitive function.

Chocolate can also boost concentration by lifting your blood sugar levels in the afternoon. Dark chocolate has a relatively low glycemic index which makes it a good choice for giving you an energy boost without a sugar spike. [i]

2.  It helps prevent heart disease - People who regularly consume 70% dark chocolate (about 20 g per day) show a marked improvement in blood flow, while no improvement is observed in those who eat “processed” chocolate, which contains very little cocoa paste. [ii]
3.  It helps with Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) -There’s a reason for certain food cravings at that time of the month. Chocolate releases calming endorphins that reduce anxiety and its high in magnesium, which lifts moods and reduces water retention. Overindulging in sugar, salt and caffeine can backfire, causing bloating and fluid retention (not to mention weight gain).

4.  It makes you feel good - Sometimes the only reason you need for why you consume something is that it makes you feel good. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a chemical many scientists link with the feeling of excitement and emotional well-being that replicates the experience of falling in love.

Even the smell of chocolate is thought to have health benefits as it has been found to slow down our brain waves, making us feel calm and content.[iii]

5.  It may improve your skin - The compounds in chocolate act as Ultraviolet (UV) filters. After twelve weeks, the chocolate eaters’ skin was 16 % denser and 42 % less scaly. Concerned about it causing acne? Nothing suggests that chocolate triggers blemishes.

6.  It may lower cholesterol - Daily consumption of cocoa flavanol (containing dark chocolate) lowered cholesterol and improved blood pressure.

7.  It may prevent pregnancy complications - A chemical (theobromine) found in chocolate may reduce preeclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. [iv]

8.  It may reduce pain - Eating chocolate and drinking a glass of water can help relieve pain, a study has found. The distraction of eating and drinking water for pleasure acts as a natural way of beating pain, the researchers discovered.

9.  It reduces the risk of diabetes - Consuming high levels of flavanols found in foods like chocolate is linked to reduced insulin resistance and improved glucose regulation, which suggests it may be protective against type 2 diabetes.[v]

10.     It’s loaded with antioxidants - Dark chocolate contains hefty amounts of disease-fighting flavenoids, antioxidants also found in red wine and many fruits and vegetables…[vi]


Ø “A new British survey has revealed that nine out of ten people like Chocolate. The tenth lies.” [vii]

Ø  “Chocolate is medicinal. I just did another study that confirms it.”[viii]

[i] Point adapted from the article, “9 Reasons To Eat Chocolate” from (
[ii] The title of this post is adapted from the quote by Disney actress, Zendaya. “I'm a chocolate addict.”
[iii] Point adapted from the article, “9 Reasons To Eat Chocolate” from (
[iv] Preeclampsia is primarily noted for raising blood pressure in pregnant women, and eating chocolate helps to lower this risk by up to 69 percent. The study of nearly 2,300 women established greater benefits to those who ate five or more servings per week, especially in their third trimester.
[v] Point adapted from the article, “9 Reasons to Eat More Chocolate Today (and Every Day)” by Jonathan Galland and Google Answers
[vi]All other point adapted from the article, “7 Reasons Why Chocolate is Healthy” by Best Health (and Google Answers)
[vii] Quote by Robert Paul
[viii] Quote by Michelle M. Pillow

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