Monday, April 11, 2016

Signs of the Time

I value traffic signs because of how they keep those we love safe. Take for instance, these well known traffic signs.

1.  The red and white octagonal-shaped stop sign notifies drivers to halt before proceeding.

2.  The black and white rectangular-shaped u-turn sign refers to a driver performing a 180° rotation (like the letter “u”) to change the direction of vehicular travel (if the driver discovers they are traveling in the wrong direction. (This is legal in some places, and illegal in others.)

3.  The yellow and black diamond-shaped yield sign indicates that each driver must prepare to stop if necessary to let another approaching driver proceed.

Meanwhile on April 8, 2016, my wife and daughter traveled to Ohio Christian University (OCU) in Chillicothe, OH, to check out the campus on Preview Day.

After our daughter’s venture at Youth with a Mission (YWAM), both women found this visit to OCU rewarding. Allena hopes to attend there in the fall 2016 with a double major Disaster Relief and Missions.

Bobbi found both the chapel service and the lively chaplain, Pastor Aaron, quite surprising and interesting. Three weeks prior she’d been having dreams about a rather passionate pastor (in his thirties).

She’d hoped this man was to be a permanent ministerial replacement for the transition our church, Eastside Community, was currently going through.

God has a wonderful sense of humor. Pastor Aaron was the exact dream minister Bobbi had seen in her sleep at night. The (second hand) “Robert” adaptation of Pastor Aaron’s sermon that day was:

1.  Stop (your sin) - “If we admit our sins…He’ll be true to Himself. He’ll forgive our sins and [cleanse] all wrongdoing.” (I John 1:9, MSG)

2.  Turn (your problems over to the Heavenly Father) -“Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders. He’ll carry your load. He’ll help you out…” (Psalms 55:22, MSG)  

3.  Yield (to the Almighty’s ways) – “Give into God. Come to terms with Him, and everything will turn out just fine.” (Job 22:21, MSG)

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