Thursday, April 21, 2016

Knowledge Is Understanding

It’s hard to do a good job at whatever you are endeavoring to do if you don’t know what is expected of you. That is even truer within the body of Christ (church). Unless one knows the spiritual gifts God has given him/her how will they ever know what they enjoy doing, or felt lead by the Almighty to perform with the local body of believers they fellowship with. (I Corinthians 1:12-26)

“The Spiritual Gifts Inventory” to follow will help you decide what your spiritual gifts are. The Heavenly Father does not want you to be confused about this topic. (I Corinthians 12:1) Years ago when my wife took “The Spiritual Gifts Inventory” her primary gifts were Miracles and Mercy. Mine were Helps and Exhortation. (No surprise there.) Discover what yours are.

DIRECTIONS: On a blank sheet of notebook paper, you will be creating five columns. (Please leave space between each column.) Column one will be numbered1-24. Column two will be numbered 25-48. Column three will be numbered 49-72.

Column four will be left blank for totaling the rows you have created.  Column five will be numbered letters A through X. (These letters will determine your primary spiritual  gifts.)

On a scale of 1 to 5 (one the least important to 5 the most important), read each of the 72 statements below. Use the above scale as you complete each blank. Total each row. Put that number in the total column. 

The highest scores will be your primary gifts. Use the chart below to determine what it is. (Note that each gift has also been provided with a biblical reference that will help to better explain it.)

1.  I enjoy organizing services and events.
2.  I enjoy starting new churches.
3.  I enjoy working with my hands.
4.  I can detect insincerity.
5.  I pray for the lost daily.
6.  Encouraging others is a high priority.
7.  Believing God for my daily needs is important.
8.  Helping others see God in their finances is important.
9.  I pray for the sick.
10.      I enjoy doing the little things others miss.
11.      I enjoy having people at my house
12.      I enjoy spending hours in prayer.
13.      Education is important to me.
14.      I motivate others to get involved.
15.      I dislike seeing others hurt.
16.      I believe God can use me to do miracles.
17.      I enjoy sharing the gospel with others.
18.      I’ve devoted time to use my voice better (singing or preaching).
19.      Caring for the hurting is important to me.
20.      Others willful sin really aggravates me.
21.      I enjoy serving behind the scenes.
22.      I enjoy creating Bible outlines.
23.      I was used to interpret a heavenly language.
24.      I enjoy the book of Proverbs (more than any other book of the Bible).
25.      I enjoy managing details.
26.      I prefer to pioneer new ministry projects.
27.      I consider myself a crafts person.
28.      I sense situations that are spiritually unhealthy.
29.      I am concerned about seeing the lost saved.
30.      I try to come across as loving and caring.
31.      I enjoy asking God for the impossible.
32.      I give offerings above my tithes.
33.      Miraculous healing is for today.
34.      Helping others is important to me.
35.      Creating a warm and welcoming home is important to me.
36.      I pay for world situations.
37.      I want to learn about God’s kingdom.
38.      I prefer to take the lead whenever necessary.
39.      I am sensitive to sad stories.
40.      Miracles happen when I am nearby.
41.      I would enjoy living in another country to benefit the gospel.
42.      I enjoy serving the church through worship.
43.      I enjoy connecting, caring, and coaching others.
44.      Confronting someone with sin in their life is not difficult.
45.      I’m bothered when people sit around and do nothing.
46.      I share biblical truth to help others grow in their Christian walk.
47.      I pray in tongues daily.
48.      God gives me unique insight to scripture.
49.      I enjoy creating and easy and enjoyable task list.
50.      I enjoy church building ministries.
51.      I enjoy building with my hands.
52.      I am good at pinpointing problems before others.
53.      I enjoy sharing the gospel with strangers.
54.      I enjoy encouraging others.
55.      I trust God is watching over me in every situation.
56.      Making more money means I can give more.
57.      I enjoy healing the sick (when God allows it)..
58.      I enjoy being part of a process.
59.      I enjoy making total strangers feel at home.
60.      I am a prayer warrior.
61.      I enjoy helping others understand biblical details.
62.      I enjoy delegating responsibility to get the job done.
63.      I enjoy helping the less fortunate.
64.      I enjoy seeing God’s miraculous power.
65.      I enjoy teaching the world for Christ.
66.      I enjoy leading others in vocal (or instrumental) worship.
67.      I enjoy walking with someone in times of distress.
68.      I enjoy hearing passionate and clear teaching of the scripture.
69.      I enjoy   doing small things others ignore.
70.      I prefer to teach the Bible topically than verse-by-verse.
71.      Praying in the spirit is encouraging and important to me.
72.      I enjoy making wise choices (during difficult times).

A.  Administration - The ability to organize multiple tasks and groups of people. (I Corinthians 12:28)
B.  Apostleship - The ability to pioneer new churches and ministries. (Galatians 2:7-10)
C. Craftsmanship - The ability to plan, build, or work with your hands. (Acts 18:2-3)
D. Discernment - The ability to discern between right and wrong. (I John 4:1-6)
E.  Evangelism - The ability to lead lost people to Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-14)
F.  Exhortation - The ability to encourage other through all avenues of the Bible.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)
G. Faith - The ability to believe in God for the supernatural.  (Romans 4:18-21)
H. Giving - The ability to give for the advancement of God’s kingdom.  (Mark 12:41-44)
I.    Healing - The ability to use their faith (and prayers) to heal others. (I Corinthians 12:9, 28)
J.   Helps - The ability to work in a supportive role in the church. (Romans 16:1-2)
K.  Hospitality - The ability to create a welcoming environment in any situation. (I Peter 4:9)
L.  Intercession - The ability to pray for those in need. (James 5:14-16)
M.Knowledge - The ability to clearly explain the Bible. (Colossians 2:2-3)
N. Leadership - The ability to lead or influence people to a biblical (right) way of thinking. (I Timothy 3:1-13)
O. Mercy - The ability to feel empathy for those in need. (Matthew 9:35-36)
P.  Miracles - The ability to help redirect the outcome of someone’s life through prayer, faith, and divine direction. (I Corinthians 12:10, 28)
Q. Missionary - The ability to reach others outside your culture and nationality. (Romans 10:15)
R. Music/Worship - The ability to sing, dance, or play an instrument to help others worship God. (I Chronicles 16:41-42)
S.  Pastor /Shepherd - The ability to care for the personal needs of others by mending and nurturing life issues. (I Timothy 3:1-7)
T.  Prophecy - The ability to clarify scriptural truth and in some cases predicting God’s plan.  (I Thessalonians 1:5)
U. Service - The ability to do small (or great) tasks in servicing the body of Christ. (Titus 3:14)
V.  Teaching - The ability to learn and study the scripture to bring understanding to others. (Acts 20:20-21)
W.        Tongues - The ability to pray (or speak) in a heavenly language to encourage others. Interpretation of this heavenly language may also accompany this gift. (I Corinthians 12:10)
X.  Wisdom - The ability to apply biblical wisdom in a practical way to produce the character of Christ in others. (I Corinthians 2:6-13)

*Adapted from the EPIC (Empowering People in Christ Church Membership Manual by Dax Welsheimer

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