Saturday, January 30, 2016

Faithful (or Faithless)

Like many people, faith is a difficult concept for me to get a grasp on. It is not solid evidence for my unbelief. It does not have parameters that can be successfully measured by human intervention. Faith is a process that runs completely outside of my rational mind. It is in the God realm, which is totally unpredictable.

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) defines faith as “the confidence that what we hoped for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see…” I think one reason faith is a problem for me is that I have absolutely no control over it. In other words, it’s totally out of my hands. Here are some examples from my life. In 2009, the ultimate outcome of my cancer was something I had no control of the Almighty had total control of whether I lived (or died).

The result of the kind of person my adult daughter eventually becomes is the Heavenly Father’s responsibility. How does giving tithe make the other ninety percent stretch much further than it rationally should (Malachi 3:10)?  It’s got to be a God thing.

Faith is like any muscle in the human body. In order for it to become stronger, it needs to be used repeatedly. True faith requires an individual to listen carefully for God’s voice (in your heart), and then obey it. As you see God’s faithfulness in the events of your daily life, your fear and doubts become fewer. Believe that God is always on time. He never shows up early.

God has an assignment for you. Is your faith strong enough to trust His unconventional means in reaching whatever His purpose is for your life? Your life may go through various seasons (changes). Just remember the Almighty is always the same (Hebrews 13:8).

Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance are important components in Christian growth. Associating with honest friends that will both correct and encourage you in your spiritual walk are paramount (Proverbs 17:17).

Believing (or having faith) in God’s mysterious ways can change you into the best version of you that is possible.  Resolve to take the time to observe all the ways throughout the year that God blesses the small amount of faith you possess to do unbelievable things (Matthew 17:20).

God is in no way scared by your questions (of pain and belief). He welcomes them. His goal is to have His faithfulness become a constant unseen reality in your world.

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