Thursday, December 25, 2014

Shades of Grace

When was the last time someone showed you unconditional grace? This shocking sensation is much like having a cold, wet towel thrown on your face on a chilly winter day. It’s quite unexpected. Grace is something we all wish to receive at various times in our life. God always knows when grace will make a life-changing difference.
Have you ever tried to show grace to someone who absolutely did not deserve it? Not an easy thing to do is it? It can require you to draw from a well of strength that you had no idea you possessed. When was the last time you showed grace to someone? Grace is neither easy (nor cheap) to give. It can cost you a great deal emotionally.
The following are some ways to show the gift of grace in your life: Refuse to angrily tell someone off who you feel desperately needs it (your rude bluntness); do a chore for someone before or without being asked; apologize for some wrong you’ve done in the past (and mean it); be observant and show someone their unique love language (quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch)
You have no way of knowing what is going on in a person’s heart and life when a sarcastic comment is made. Why not show grace, and save yourself painful guilt that will follow? Is it really worth being right all the time? Accept the freedom of imperfection.
The Bible has an opinion about grace. Ephesians 2:8, 9 and Romans 1:7 are verses that could be of benefit to you. Nothing will bring the full spectrum of grace into your heart faster than to be the recipient of undeserved grace. How many countless times has God shown grace for all the hurtful things you have done to Him. Are you greater than Him in not showing forgiveness to someone when it is required?
There is much worthy reading material on the topics of grace, love, or apologizing. The following are some of my favorites: One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian (grace), The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (love), and The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas (apology).
Please take this advice to heart from my personal experience. Do not tell the person you are giving grace to that you are doing it. That ruins the whole purpose of that kind gesture. Giving that prideful revelation could start a fight with you and the recipient of the grace. God wants you to keep that a secret between you and Him. Chances are the argument to follow could be of enormous proportions.  Your good intentions of grace will quickly vanish like fog does.
 You’ve heard the Nike tennis shoe commercial that says, “Just do it.” This slogan applies to showing grace to others also. The peace (and mental rest) that comes from offering unmerited grace makes you a better person and not a bitter one. I think if you give grace a try you’ll be hooked for life. With all the bad in our world, be a blessing to someone. What have you got to lose?

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