Sunday, December 5, 2021


 “Live in a way that if people should see you. They could see God’s goodness in you.” (I Love God)

Deuteronomy 16:9-17, Easy-to-Read Version

9 “You must count seven weeks from the time you begin to harvest the grain. 10 Then celebrate the Festival of Harvest for the Lord your God. Do this by bringing him some special gift you want to bring. Decide how much to give by thinking about how much the Lord your God has blessed you. 11 Go to the place the Lord will choose to be the home for his name. You and your people should enjoy yourselves together there with the Lord your God. Take all your people with you—your sons, your daughters, and all your servants. And take the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows living in your towns.

 12 Remember, you were slaves in Egypt. So be sure to obey these laws. 13 Seven days after you have gathered your harvest in from your threshing floor and from your winepress, you should celebrate the Festival of Shelters. 14 Enjoy yourselves at this festival—you, your sons, your daughters, all your servants, and the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows living in your towns.

 15 Celebrate this festival for seven days at the special place the Lord will choose. Do this to honor the Lord your God. The Lord your God blessed your harvest and all the work you did, so be very happy. 16 Three times a year all your men must come to meet with the Lord your God at the special place he will choose. They must come for the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Harvest, and the Festival of Shelters. Everyone who comes to meet with the Lord must bring a gift. 17 Each man should give as much as he can. He should decide how much to give by thinking about how much the Lord has given him.

Sermon in a sentence: The celebration of harvest involves worshiping God, experiencing His joy, and receiving His grace.  

The Festival of Harvest (See Deuteronomy 16: 9-12 above)

·       This festival happened in September or October [i]

·       God is good, and we have much to celebrate.

·       Just as the Israelites invited people outside their “comfort zone” to worship God, so we have a duty to do the same with “strangers” we meet today (if they want it).

·       The church is empowered to worship God in community.

·       This festival happened in the fall.

The Festival of Shelters (See Deuteronomy 16: 13-15 above)

·       This festival also happened in September or October

·       It was a time of great joy like a big party to celebrate the awesomeness of God. What do you have in your life to be joyful about?

·       ASSIGNMENT 1 (for next week):  Reach out to 7 different people (via text or e-mail) that you can bless or encourage with your words, and demonstrate the love of God to.

·       ASSIGNMENT 2 (for next week):  Renew your commitment to God (and your faith) by doing something that draws you closer to Him. This could be restarting (or increasing) prayer time, Bible study, attending an in-person church service, or fasting from food (or electronics).

The Festival of Unleavened Bread (See Deuteronomy 16: 16-17 above)

·       This festival happened in March, April, or May.

·       This festival was connected with the Passover. The Israelites left Egypt so fast that they made bread without leaven (so it didn’t rise). The angel of death “passed over” homes that had the blood of a lamb painted on their door posts.

·       Jesus is the Passover lamb who shed His blood on the cross spiritually protects us. This is His gift to us.

·       God’s grace has redeemed us from an eternity in Hell. He wants us to always enjoy His presence in our lives.

[i] Adapted from: “Harvest Festival” from Wikipedia


Inspired by the sermon “Celebrating the Harvest Together: The Harvest” (installment five, final) Sunday November 28, 2021, Pastor Jon Fulton, CenterPoint Lewis Center (CPLC).  In-person services are available at all three U.S. CenterPoint locations. CenterPoint also has an online Sunday morning service (10am) that can be viewed at or

The Festival of Unleavened Bread

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