Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Little Things

“Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back, and realize they were the big things.” (Robert Brault)

An attitude of gratitude can help you get more happiness, better health, deeper relationships, and increased productivity from your life. Gratitude is taking time to think about all the positive aspects of your life rather than the negative ones. Having an attitude of gratitude doesn’t cost any money. It doesn’t take much time. The benefits of gratitude are enormous. Gratitude touches on many aspects of our lives. This includes our emotions, personality, social dynamics, career success, and health.

A grateful heart is a contented heart. A contented heart is a simple heart. A simple heart leads to a simplified life. Gratitude opens the door to simplicity. A person who is grateful for the things they own will care for them, enjoy them, and waste less energy seeking more. They will experience fulfillment in the things they already possess rather than looking outside themselves for more. Those who can find gratitude in their current existence will be less influenced by life’s empty promises. Gratitude is the magic medicine that you no one bottle. Practicing gratitude has many benefits that will help you:

 Gratitude can help you experience fewer aches and pains-You too, can experience fewer aches and pains by practicing gratitude.  Researchers found that an adult writing in a gratitude journal (even once a week) was helpful. The participants experienced: Improved optimism, better sleep, improved exercise patterns, lower levels of anxiety and depression, and reductions in physical ailments for fewer aches and pains.

In another study, spouses kept a journal of the changes they saw in their ailing partners. Those who practiced gratitude had fewer aches and an improved outlook, just after two weeks. Even their partners could notice the difference without knowing what they were writing in their journals each day.

 Gratitude can help you manage your stress more effectively-Appreciating what you already have, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, will create a dramatic shift in your energy and how you manage your stress. Stress is a major drain on your energy. Appreciating where you are and what you have, is the greatest step on personal development, to help you meet your goals, and recognize your potential.

By practicing gratitude for people, things, and the environment around you, you allow your body’s natural responses to stress, to do its magic. Shifting your perspective from ‘what’s wrong’ to ‘what’s going right’ leads you to look for reasons to be grateful. Dopamine creates feelings of satisfaction, pleasure and reward, which motivates you to repeat a specific ‘good feeling’ behavior.

 Gratitude will help you have more energy-You will have more energy by practicing gratitude and appreciation. Everyone knows a restful sleep leads to more productivity and a better outlook. However, dopamine, also affects your energy level. Adding gratitude into your life by simply actively being grateful, keeping a journal, or thanking someone out loud, you can increase your productivity. Happy people are more productive. Researchers at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania randomly divided university fundraisers into two groups.

One group made phone calls to solicit alumni donations in the same way they always had. The control group were assigned to work on a different day. They received a pep talk from the director of annual giving, who told the fund-raisers that she was grateful for their efforts. During the following week, the university employees who heard the director of annual giving message of gratitude, made 50% more fundraising calls than those who did not. Gratitude increases your productivity and energy.

 Gratitude will help you sleep better-Focusing on the positive, shifts your body from the fight or flight state (hormones released by hypothalamus), to more relaxed state.  This response can come from thinking you are in danger when you’ve only forgotten to take out the garbage. Practicing appreciation increases the dopamine levels, while decreasing adrenaline and cortisol (the Stress hormones) allowing for a longer, and more relaxed sleep. There is a direct correlation between dopamine and gratitude.

Hypothalamus is also responsible for secreting three good feeling hormones: Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphins.  Practicing gratitude, can keep you healthier and happier, increase exercise patterns and frequency, improve sleep, decrease depression, and result in fewer aches and pains. You can enjoy these benefits, by simply focusing on the positive interactions you had at work, helping your family on a project at home, or thinking about something relaxing.

 Gratitude will improve your focus and attention-Practicing gratitude is related to 23 percent lower levels of stress hormones (cortisol), and an increase of dopamine levels. Thinking about cuddly animals and sunsets will enhance feelings of abundance in life and satisfaction to increase.

 A study in 2013 looked at young adults who practiced writing daily gratitude journals found these young adults experienced increased determination, improved focus and attention, improved enthusiasm, and had more energy. This study demonstrated that junior high school students who report higher levels of gratitude, also report higher academic achievement. Grateful students get better grades. I am sure if it is helpful to teenagers, adults can benefit from gratitude and appreciation.

 “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” (Henri Frederic Amiel)[i]

[i] Sources used:

·        “31 Benefits of Gratitude: The Ultimate Science-Backed Guide” by Happier Human

·        “5 things you didn’t know about Gratitude that you can start today to enjoy your life more” by

·        “6 Steps to Find More Gratitude in Your Life” by


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