Tuesday, February 11, 2020


 “Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” (Akshay Dubey)

Healing is mentioned 138 times in the Bible. 1/5 of Jesus’ ministry was healing. Healing is not just something God does. He is the Healer. Our faith is not in healing but in the Healer. Sometimes, you get sick because you live in a fallen world, and our bodies you’re born in sin. The most important reason you believe in healing is because Jesus bore our sin along with our sickness on the cross. (Matthew 8:16-17) A musician does not play the piano to prove that he has fingers. The musician plays the piano because he loves music. Jesus does not heal just to prove that He is God, He heals to reveal that He is good.

 Many times deep spiritual wounds are just as vulnerable to daily life but aren’t visible for all to see. Many times these spiritual wounds are chronic issues that you’ve pushed so far down inside our heart that it seemed as if they you’re healed. Soon you find out the infection is still there, and causing problems. Has betrayal, rejection, sin, loss, or abuse cut you to your core, and you aren’t sure can gather up the will to commit to treatment?

Good news, the Healer, Jesus, can completely heal our broken heart and make you whole. With any physical wound, you have a role to play in our healing. There are steps The Healer would have you take to partner with Him in our recovery and restoration. Yes, sometimes God chooses to work a miracle in our lives, healing you immediately of the pain and completely shutting up our wounds for good. For many of you, spiritual healing will be a process. It’s not easy. It won’t happen overnight. You may receive more wounds in the future.  

CLEANSE THE WOUND-“But if we own up to our sins, God shows that He is faithful and just by forgiving us of our sins and purifying us from the pollution of all the bad things we have done.” (1 John 1:9, VOICE)

 As with any physical wound, spiritual wounds must be thoroughly cleansed in order to prepare for complete healing. That can be a painful process. Cleansing starts with prayer. You must come to God, sincerely asking in faith that He heal you and make you whole. You must be willing to receive His healing in whatever form it comes in. Though many spiritual wounds are caused by others, you can also be the cause of spiritual damage. No matter the cause be assured unforgiveness is at the root. You must ask God to help you, and forgive those who’ve hurt you (even if that means asking Him to help you forgive yourself).

Forgiveness is a choice that has to be made to break the cycle of chronic spiritual bondage. When you forgive, you purge bitterness, strife, resentfulness, hurt, anger, guilt, self-pity, toxins that would negatively affect the wound and hinder its ability to completely heal. This cleansing prepares you for your long-awaited, complete healing. Make the choice to forgive. It’s time to finally be healed. 

PROTECT THE WOUND-He heals their broken hearts and bandages their wounds.(Psalm 147:3, ERV)

Just as I bandaged my daughter’s wound for protection from germs and things around her that could do further harm, spiritual wounds must be guarded from outside forces that would slow or stop the healing, or cause more injury. While trusting that God is doing His part to bind up your wounds and in the end heals you, you can help by carefully protecting your wounds by the renewing of the mind.

“Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.” (Romans 12:2, ERV)

You might ask what the mind has to do with a spiritual wound. I’d argue that’s exactly where the spiritual wound’s hold over you is housed. You hurt from what’s been wrongly done to you or because of your self-inflicted pain. It’s many people’s habit to become mired in self-pity. When you focus on our own pain, you open yourself up to the enemy because you’re then dwelling on the hurt instead of believing in the healing. You can come against him by focusing on what God would have you do while waiting your healing.

MONITOR THE WOUND-“Control yourselves and be careful! The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.” (1 Peter 5:8, ERV)

It’s no different than any physical injury. When our spiritual wounds aren’t closely monitored, you run the risk of infection. Infection can quickly spread to the rest of your life, poisoning your faith, your relationship with God and others. When this happens, you’re destined for more of the same chronic spiritual wounds and the inability to experience freedom in Christ.

The enemy would love nothing more than for you to keep dwelling on the injustice that you’ve endured, or to infect you with more anger, hurt, and doubt of your own healing. This is how he attempts to talk you out of surrendering your pain to God so that you would receive healing. 

He knows that when your wounds are truly healed that you’ll give glory to God and no longer be in bondage to the Him. You have to constantly monitor your wounds by closely examining them for the first signs of infection. If you’ve been suffering from a chronic spiritual wound and doing your best to hide it—even from God—it’s time to ask for healing. Confess any unforgiveness, and lay your pain at His feet.

“I’m never in control of what happens around me, but I am always in control of what happens within me.” (@Fearless Soul)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “10 Ways to Receive Your Healing” by Vlad Savchuk

·                “Spiritual Healing - 3 Biblical Steps to Heal Your Wounds” by Renee Davis


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