Wednesday, September 26, 2018


“Carbonation is the greatest invention since gravy.” (Colonel Harland Sanders)

They’re all bubbly, refreshing, and fun to drink, but is there any real difference between sparkling water, seltzer, club soda and tonic water? Lots of us choose these sparkling drinks as a healthier alternative to pop, but they may actually make you hungrier. [i] Seltzer is naturally or artificially flavored water that has had carbonation added to it, and is sodium-free.

True mineral water comes from a natural, unpolluted, underground source and contains small amounts of natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium. The carbonation may be naturally occurring, or it may be added.  Club soda (soda water) is a mix of carbonated water with sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium sulfate, to enhance the flavor.

Tonic Water is sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, and contains citric acid, sodium benzoate (as a preservative), quinine (a naturally occurring chemical and bitter flavor) and other natural flavors. Quinine can interact with certain medications such as blood thinners, statins and antacids.

Of the above waters, soda water flavored with citrus is delicious, and it’s a great way to increase water intake. Did you know soda water has many other uses besides hydration?

1.   Clean Car Windshields: Soda water is great for removing bird droppings and greasy stains from the car windshields. Keep a spray bottle of soda water ready to go in your car. The carbonation makes it easier to clean.

2.   Clean Precious Gems: Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds can all be cleaned with soda water. Soak your precious gems in soda water to give them a nice sheen. All you need to do is drop them in a glass of soda water overnight, and you’ll have beautiful, shiny gems waiting for you in the morning.

3.   Clean Your Kitchen: Soda water can be used to clean all your kitchen appliances. Pour it directly on countertops, stovetops, and in sinks. Let the bubbles work their magic before wiping it off with a soft cloth. To clean other appliances like the fridge, pour the soda water onto a soft cloth and start wiping. For a deeper clean, add a bit of salt and remember to rinse the area with water afterwards.

4.   Eliminate Urine Stains: Soda water can be used to clean urine stains from carpet. Before applying t soda water, blot as much urine as possible. Once you’ve poured soda water on the area, blot again to absorb more urine. This will remove the stain as well as the stench.

5.   Give Plants a Mineral Boost: We’re not the only ones who like carbonated water. Plants love it too. The minerals in soda water help green plants grow. You can use soda water once a week on both indoor and outdoor plants.

6.   Improve Cast-iron Cleanup: If you have a cast-iron, you probably know you’re not supposed to use soap on it. If you don’t scrub immediately after cooking in it, food gets caked on and cleaning becomes a real chore. The carbonation in soda water acts like soap bubbles to remove tough food spots without damaging to coating. Of course, just like hot water, it works better you apply it right away after cooking.


7.   Make Pancakes Fluffier: Do you struggle to make your pancakes and waffles airy and light? Substitute soda water for the liquid called for in your recipe and you’ll be amazed at the results.

8.   Remove Fabric Stains: Soda water is a great stain remover for fabrics. As soon as you spill something, pour soda water on the spot and gently rub it in. For tougher stains you might to scrub for vigorously. Most restaurants and bars have soda water so keep this in mind if you ever get something on your clothing while eating out.

9.   Remove Rust: Did you know soda water can be used to loosen rusty nuts and bolts. The carbonation works away at the rust, making it easier to loosen things up.


10.       Restore Hair Color: If you have blond hair, you’ve probably experienced green hair after swimming in a pool with chlorine. There’s actually a simple fix for this. Instead of rushing to shower give your hair a quick rinse with soda water and it will be back to normal.

11.       Soothe an Upset Stomach: Whether you ate too much ate something you shouldn’t have, or got the flu, soda water can calm your upset stomach. For extra effect, add a dash of bitters. This combination works wonders.

If you use water, club soda or a diet drink, you're not adding calories. Most other mixers add significant calories and in some cases, more than double the calories per drink.  (Patricia Collette)[ii]

[i] If you dig a little into how the study was done, you'll find that soda (both regular and diet) was used not plain sparkling water. The study was done in rats and showed that fizzy drinks caused them to eat more and therefore gain more weight over a six month period. The weight gain was linked to a hormone called ghrelin. The researchers did repeat the study in 20 young men and found that their blood levels contained more ghrelin after consuming the soda than after drinking regular water or flat soda. It's definitely interesting, but one small study in rats with soda doesn't mean that your sparkling water habit will make you gain weight.
[ii] Sources used:
·        “11 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Soda Water” by Julie Bell Follow

·        “What's the difference between seltzer, sparkling water, club soda and tonic water?” by Frances Largeman-Roth


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