Friday, January 26, 2018

A Lifeline

“Online learning can be a lifeline to those who have obstacles such as geographical distances or physical disabilities.” (Paul Levinson)
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Today information is more easily accessible than ever before. Within a few seconds, anyone can know just about anything thanks to the Internet. 2.3 million Google searches happen per minute on an average day.

Some individuals may never completely understand what it was like to have to wait to go to the library, look up several books on the topic, and search through the pages before finding answers to their questions.

The Internet (and today’s technology) has brought with it many ways to gain from learning online. Whether it’s a quick search from a phone (or enrolling in an online course) students can now learn anything from anywhere. This is a tremendous advancement when it comes to education.

No matter what stage you are in life; knowledge is still possible through the various types of online learning. Don’t be afraid to try new things, to explore interests, or to chase your career dreams. Online learning is remarkable in the fact that you can learn vast amounts of information at your fingertips, and at your own pace. Perhaps consider downloading an educational program to try something new. Here are five types of online learning that offer benefits to everyone:

1.   Educational Applications/Programs: There are countless applications (apps) or programs which enable supplemental online learning while at the same time offering a fun experience for students (at any age).

Even adults can benefit from learning apps covering a variety of subjects from astronomy to world languages. The mobility of these learning systems allows for adaptability to a student’s individual lifestyle and can be utilized anytime and anywhere.

2.   Online college courses: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are classes offered on a large scale, and that are not limited to enrollment in a particular university. People choose to take these either for career or academic advantage, and the courses are not necessarily applicable towards earning a degree. There are some students who are able to earn credits or meet prerequisites through MOOCs. It depends on their institution of higher learning.

Whether it is an adult looking to further their education or a recent high school graduate wanting flexibility in class scheduling, enrolling in an online college enables a student to earn a degree without the constraints of traditional campus learning. With the popularity of online courses today, just about any degree is offered while still being able to attend credible and notable colleges.

3.   Online public (or private) k–12 schools: For elementary, middle, and high school students, numerous online learning options are available. Many states offer full-time tuition-free public schools, which facilitate a public school education in the home.

For students in those states not providing the online public school option or for families specifically wanting an alternative to public school, many online private K–12 schools are available. As a parent or Learning Coach of an online student, you would be surprised how much you learn yourself as you are integrally involved in your child’s education.

4.   Self-Education: Whether students are self-motivated (or curious) they can search the Internet for an expansive supply of educational information. Search engines (and sites such as YouTube) offer a collection of articles, videos, and images related to most topics.

People looking to become more knowledgeable in a particular area are able to use the vast array of free online resources for research and education. Discretion should be used as not all websites and sources are accurate or reliable.

5.   Supplemental online education: From preschool to graduate school, students can supplement their education through online resources. Selective online classes enable students who desire to extend their learning in a particular area to study beyond that which is offered at their current school. Supplemental online courses also help those students struggling with a particular subject to receive further education and assistance.

Even looking beyond the educational arena, anyone looking to become a subject matter expert out of a love for learning or to advance their career, can greatly benefit from any number of supplemental online education offerings. Online certifications are also available for a variety of careers including popular ones such as nursing, information technology, web design, and business administration.

“Online education then can serve two goals. For students lucky enough to have access to great teachers, blended learning can mean even better outcomes at the same or lower cost. And for the millions here and abroad who lack access to good, in-person education online learning can open doors that would otherwise remain closed.” (Daphne Koller)[i]

[i] Adapted from: “Five Types of Online Learning for You and Your Student” by Letise Dennis
Dedicated to Gracie White

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