Saturday, June 10, 2017

One’s Opinion

“It often takes more courage to change one's opinion than to stick to it.” (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

Whenever I heard these legendary lyrics to the theme song of this show (reruns) when I was as a teenager, I mentally went to a place of protection. (Can you hum this familiar tune?)

Here's a story of a lovely lady
who was bringing up three very lovely girls
all of them had hair of gold, like their mother.
The youngest one in curls

Here's a story, of a man named Brady
Who was busy with three boys of his own.
They were four men living all together
yet they were all alone

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow.
And they knew it was much more than a hunch,
That this group must somehow form a family,
That's the way we all became the Brady bunch.

The Brady bunch, the Brady bunch
that’s the way they became the Brady bunch.

In 1972, The Brady Bunch offspring formed a traveling vocal ensemble (that performed occasionally on the series ). One of my favorite songs this group performed was "Time to Change." All these years later, I can still hear The Brady Bunch offspring sing, and dance to this meaningful song. Below are my edited lyrics. (Is it time for you to change to a better life?)

Autumn turns to winter,
And winter turns to spring.
It doesn't go just for seasons you know,
It goes for everything.

The same is true for voices,
When boys begin to grow.
You gotta take a lesson from Mother Nature,
And if you do you'll know.


When it's time to change, then it’s time to change
Don't fight the tide, come along for the ride, don't you see
When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange
who you are into what you're gonna be.

Day by day, it's hard to see the changes you've been through
A little bit of living, a little bit of growing all adds up to you
Every boy's a man inside, a girl's a woman too
And if you wanna reach your destiny, here's what you've got to do

Chorus (2x)

The musical piece, “Time to Change” summarizes the importance of being able to change (or modify) one’s life as an essential part of personal development (when needed). If you want to be happier, healthier, more successful, loving, peaceful, grateful and kind, start today.

What if you could permanently change your negative habits to positive ones to become happier and more successful? Most change efforts fail because we don’t know how the brain works.

To conserve energy, the brain creates habits of thinking and action that are automatic. To succeed, you have to bring awareness to what has been your habit so that you can make the new, better choice. The more your new behavior will become automatic. Below are ways to create better habits in your life now:

1.  Become more present: Most of us only experience a fraction of our lives, because we are too busy living in our minds. We are preoccupied with memories of the past, circling thoughts and worries about the future, and we miss out on the vibrancy and beauty of the world around us. This leaves us feeling busy yet unfulfilled; overwhelmed and yet empty.

When you learn to touch base with the present moment more throughout the day, you begin to notice more magic, beauty and opportunity in your life. You also begin to feel more calm, centered and in control. It feels like time has slowed down and every day is a whole lifetime. Listen attentively to others when they speak to you.

2.  Create a physical anchor: Stand up, close your eyes, and imagine an emotional state that you want to able to snap into on command. The theory is that you link up that emotion with the physical act of snapping your fingers. Did it work? When I snap my fingers I get an emotional boost and go into that state again.

The effect is not 100% effective. It doesn’t feel as good as it did that one time. I think by trying to visualize and feel that state even more intensely; the anchors are likely to become more and more accurate.

3.  Eat the right amount of food: If you feel tired and frustrated maybe you need to eat to get your energy back and your blood sugar up to a more healthy level. Don’t eat too much or you’ll feel tired and lazy. If you’re sitting most of the day, take it easy on the size of your portions.

4.  Get in touch with your inner self: Your inner self is the unchanging part of you beneath all of your changing roles. Build a relationship with your inner self because it can tell you your truest dreams and desires. It’s also an infinite source of strength, wisdom and love. You can get to know it through meditation, reading, journaling, nature, and getting lost in what you love the most.


5.  Interrupt your thought pattern: Maybe nothing is working out for you today. Here’s where you might want to break (or interrupt) your thought pattern. Do something unexpected from what you are doing now. Something humorous is the opposite of a depressed (or anxious) state that you would like to break out of. Laughter and smiles can also eliminate tension. Make up five things to do that really breaks your anxious pattern, and try them out.


6.  Map out your life vision: Few people take the time to sit down, consult with their heart, and get clear on what they really want from their precious life. You can map out what you desire and value in all of your key life areas of career, love, finances, health, leisure, contribution, and personal growth.


7.  Open yourself up to other beneficial possibilities: Have faith that the way you view work, relationships, money, exercise, and life are not the only way to see them. Having the feeling that you are right about something is instant gratification that gives you security and comfort. Seek out a couple of experts’ advice in the area that you are having problems with. There are often more solutions than one or two to a problem.


8.  Recall your positive memories: It’s easy to be overcome by negative internal chatter. Let a few of your best memories wash over you. Let them drown out your negative thoughts. This will make you remember the positive and wonderful sides of yourself.


The qualities and your inner possibilities that are always there, but we often forget about them when we get caught up in a cloud of negative feelings. Your feelings will start to work for you instead of stopping you when you want to take action.


9.  Relax: This one is easy but just remembering that you can relax when you feel all tensed up can work wonders. When people are trying to change a habit of thought or behaviour, they often complain that it takes too much effort. What actually happens is that such people are trying to force a habit to change by using their muscles against it, and this is true whether the habit is physical or mental.

All you really have to do is make your decision by your will, relax your muscles, and direct your attention in the way you want to go, until the new habit is established. If you ever feel that using your will is an effort relax and Start over.”

10.      Start living your dreams today: Start brainstorming ways to bring the things you value most into your current reality. You will also avoid the trap of putting your happiness on hold until a later date. Every moment of your life should be lived to the fullest. When you’re clear on your values and desires, it’s easy to bring more of them into your reality today.


11.      Take self-care seriously: We forget that when we don’t take care of our body, mind and spirit; we don’t have the energy, wisdom to accomplish all of the things we want to do. Make self-care practices a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. You will begin achieving more success with much less effort (because you have put supportive foundations in place).

12.      Take small steps daily: Making a huge life transformation is difficult, but taking one step in the right direction each day is easy. Before you know it, you will end up where you are aiming to be. When you take a small step forward, then you will be in a better position to see what to do next. With each step forward, you will learn what needs to happen next.

13.      Value your happiness: Many of us are quick to let insignificant events in our day disturb our inner peace. Your happiness is priceless because it cannot be bought for any amount of money. When something irritates you, take a moment to observe your reaction, take a few breaths, and let the feeling subside as you go about your day.

 “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, [and] enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace [and] taking (as He did) this sinful world as it is (not as I would have it). Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will…I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.” (Reinhold Niebuhr) [ii]

Cast of The Brady Bunch

Brady Musical Ensemble

[i] The Danny Thomas Show (Make Room for Daddy) featured the first blended family on American TV in 1957.  The Brady Bunch was the second blended family to air in the US in 1969.
[ii] Sources used:
·       (

·       “10 Ways to Change How You Feel”

·       “5 Ways to Change Your Habits to Become More Successful” by MJ Ryan

·     “7 Powerful Ways to Change Your Life” by Elyse Stanthilli

·       “The Brady Bunch” from Wikipedia

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