Monday, May 1, 2017

God’s Angels

“Pay attention to your dreams. God's angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep.” (Eileen Elias Freeman, author of The Angels' Little Instruction Book)

For ninety minutes to two hours each night, every single person on Earth dreams. Sometimes, the dreams are straightforward in their meaning to the dreamer; but dreams don’t always tell a simple story. Dreams are a universal language creating images out of emotional concepts. There’s no single, definitive meaning for symbols and images in dreams. Some dream images are so common that they do have a generally accepted meaning.

 Being Chased: Being Chased dreams help one to understand that they should address something in their life that requires attention. Chasing dreams point to a "snow ball effect" - meaning undesirable events are stacking up in our lives and we feel like we cannot escape from all the things we must attend to. Dream chases may also indicate a need to run away from the truth.

Vehicles:  The vehicles in our dream can reflect what direction we feel our life is taking, and how much control we think we have over the path ahead of us. Vehicles can give us the power to make a transition and envision ourselves getting to our destination, or highlight the obstacles we think we are facing and need to work through.

People: Seeing other people in your dream often is a reflection of the different aspects of the self. The people in dreams can relate to characteristics that need to be developed. Specific people directly relate to existing relationships or interpersonal issues we need to work through. Dreaming of a lover is frequently symbolic of an aspect of ourselves, from which we feel detached.

School:  It’s a very common situation for people in dreams to find themselves in a school. They are often confronted with a test that they aren’t prepared to take. This is a great example of a dream pun. The mind uses a word and gives it a different definition. The test we face inside the school is frequently one we need to learn from our past, which is one reason these dreams are often reported by people who have long since finished school.

Paralysis: Dreaming about paralysis frequently represents the overlap between the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage and the waking stage of sleep. Dreaming about paralysis can also indicate that the dreamer feels they lack control in their waking life.

Death: Dreaming of our deaths is typically a signal of transformation in which a part of ourselves is receding to make room for new aspects to come more to the forefront. These dreams can also be quite literal in that people we have known come to pay us a visit in dreams after they have passed on. These visitations from the deceased will always contain a message for you so pay attention.

 Flying: If you're dreaming of flying give out a shout for joy as you are experiencing a personal liberation in your life. Flying dreams convey messages of limitless potential, freedom from bondage and thinking outside the box kind of disposition.

Falling: When someone falls uncontrollably from a great height, it indicates something in our life feels out of control. These dreams speak to us about letting go of control and surrendering. Falling dreams also point to issues of faith, and might reflect the condition of our spiritual walk
Nudity: The body part that’s exposed can give more insight into the emotion that our dreams are helping us to understand. Ever dreamed you were standing nude in front of a crowd of onlookers. Dreaming you're naked in front of others conveys a message of vulnerability or feeling unequal to those around you. We have these dreams when our feelings are raw and we may need to take action to protect our emotions.

House: Different rooms of a house may relate to the different aspects of awareness. The basement often represents the dreamer is not aware of in their waking life. Bedrooms relate to intimate thoughts and feelings.

The condition of the house will be telling about our current emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical status. Houses remind us of progress, and could be a sign of advancement, promotion and building on a solid foundation.

Blood: Dream meaning of blood deals with life, fluidity, passion and that which sustains us. Some messages that may manifest from blood include a sense of guilt, needing to take rest, or challenges with making emotional ties.

The body speaks from our dreaming mind as stability, action, knowing, basics, foundations and structure. In our conscious realm, we rely on our physical senses for understanding. When we dream of bodies, it may be a call to pay closer attention to our surroundings.

Eyes interpret light, a greater vision, illumination, enlightenment, understanding, and our concept of reality. Injured eyes may indicate we're not seeing the facts clearly, or we're simply unable to face certain truths at this time.

Closed eyes may either indicate surrender to a situation, or choosing avoidance over action. Eye patches suggests perception is marred, not all the facts are known, and it might be time to explore all the details

Teeth falling out are a common dream. It gives the dreamer a terrible feeling of helplessness and insecurity. We have dental-damage dreams when we are overly concerned about how we appear to others. This could mean we lack confidence in public settings
Flowers: Blossoming flowers in dreams carry a sweet scent of growth, development, and becoming more aware of ourselves within the context of our environment. Faded, wilting or dying flowers indicate the passing of a season, a chapter of our life has come to a close.

When we dream of dark, rich soil it is a message of birth, and suggests now is an optimal time to plant the seeds of our creativity. If we're viewing barren lands in our dreams, do what’s needed to refresh your inner landscape.
Streets: Dream streets may point to a destination after a long, arduous trek in our personal evolution. They may also indicate a philosophical/spiritual journey we've embarked upon. Streets also point to navigation. A message that we may need to check in, stop for directions, or help in our current situation.

Vehicles: Vehicles are devices 100% reliant upon humans to create, operate and maintain. That's a powerful symbol of will. Vehicles also point to the ability to escape. Dream vehicles are also symbolic of navigating our way through the various mazes we find ourselves in.

Wings: Dreaming of wings may indicate it's time to work on inner landscapes, or a prompting to fly into the realms of spirituality. It may also encourage a spring cleaning of the mind to gain clarity in thought about a certain troubling situation.  

Trapped:  Dreaming of being trapped deals with the most primal fears within the human saga. Trapped dreams are messages that we are stuck in our waking life and have an intense need to shift ourselves out of a limiting situation. These dreams may indicate to the dreamer being overwhelmed in their daily life.

Our dreams disturb us because they refuse to pander to our fondest notions of ourselves. The closer one looks, the more they seem to insist upon a challenging proposition: You must live truthfully. Right now. And always. Few forces in life present, with an equal sense of inevitability, the bare-knuckle facts of who we are, and the demands of what we might become.” (Marc Ian Barasch)[i]

[i] Adapted from “14 Common Dreams and Symbols and Why They’re Important” by DreamsCloud and “Common Dream Meaning and Dream Symbols” (

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