Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fight or Flight

  “Caffeine triggers a release of adrenaline, needlessly putting you into fight or flight mode.”

         Caffeine is a stimulant that adults use to get through their daily activities. But have the adults considered how destructive caffeine can be to a child? All over the world, children drink caffeine at different ages. There are a lot of negative effects with caffeine use. Should parents limit the amount of caffeine adolescents consume? It can cause physical health problems, mental health issues, and poor behavior.
“A caffeine boost even six hours before bedtime can disrupt sleep later on that night.”

 Caffeine is a substance that exists naturally in certain plants. It can also be man-made and added to food products. It stimulates the central nervous system and is a diuretic, which increases urination” (The University of Tennessee Medical Center, 2015). When too much caffeine is consumed the body is unclear as to its use. Eventually overdosing on it could result in death.

 “A clever move at this point (which I didn't do) would have been to move to Japanese green tea next… [It] is generally not as strong in caffeine as Chinese green tea. I have also found out that loose-leaf green tea is not as strong as that in tea bags. You can also gradually decrease caffeine by soaking the tea leaves less time each time, and using a smaller amount.”

  Caffeine in the body of an adolescent can be ten times stronger than in an adult. Caffeine Intoxication is an over-stimulation of the central nervous system caused by a high dose of caffeine” (Theravive, 2017). 

 “The benefits I experienced from quitting caffeine were unexpected, and much more profound than I thought. Increased energy is the classic benefit but the greatest change came with my moods. I hadn't realized that I had an underlying anxiety - caused by caffeine.”

 They can include restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, cardiac arrhythmia, periods of high energy, or mental tension.

 “Coffee is an expensive habit – especially if you’re buying Starbucks every day. A single $3 coffee per day costs you $1,095 per year. I can think of a few ways I’d rather spend that money.”

 There are many other types of diseases that have been linked with the consumption of caffeine like bone related diseases such as: including bone loss or osteoporosis. Manifestations of caffeine toxicity include serious adverse cardiovascular effects, seizures, and death (McStay, Meng, Pollard: 2015).

 The benefits of quitting coffee, according to Cherniske, include: better nutrient absorption; strengthened heart, arteries and adrenal glands; better mental abilities and ability to cope with stress; increased energy, etc.”

 Caffeine has many effects on the mind, which can be long term or short term. Adolescents with high caffeine intake also report increased difficulty sleeping or disturbed slumber (Bayler, Mindell, Owens, 2014).

“Caffeine dehydrates the body and speeds up the aging of the skin and kidneys.”  (Ann Louise Gittleman) “Caffeine dehydrates the brain and body.” (Daniel Amen)

When the body goes without regular sleep it can cause psychiatric disorders. According to Bayler, Mindell, and Owens (2014), “higher caffeine consumption in youth with major depressive disorder also reported increased anxiety with caffeine use, while a decrease in caffeine consumption was associated with treatment of depression.”

 "Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe." (rawforbeauty.com)

 Caffeine acts as a central and peripheral nervous system stimulant in both animals and humans (Temple, 2009). Caffeine is thought to enhance athletic performance by strength and decreasing perceived effort and fatigue (Temple, 2009). Now there is a negative side to this. If the body is over stimulated by the amount of caffeine that is consumed, it is not given a chance to burn the entire stimulant off.  It can result in negative health effects and behavior choices.

 “Another surprising benefit from quitting caffeine was that the work days seem to go quicker! At the same time the weekends and my free time seems to last longer.”

 From 20-100% of regular caffeine consumer’s exhibit signs of caffeine dependence; it is considered to be a drug. Addiction can ruin a person’s life no matter the age. Caffeine should be restricted (or taken in small amounts) for adolescents so it does not become a problem in their life as an adult.

“I also found that my memory was better and I could think clearer. I felt more intelligent off coffee than on it.”

I quit all forms of caffeine over a period of two years - after which I got readdicted quite a few times but quickly quit again, having already got a taste of the benefits.

I still sometimes have a cup or two of caffeinated green tea if I haven't slept enough and feel very tired at work. Luckily this is a rare occasion. [Update: I have now completely quit both normal and decaf green tea as well and drink Aztec coffee, if anything, which I make by grinding cocoa beans, cinnamon, chili and vanilla together.]”[i]


[i] Sources adapted from:
·       “The Negative Effects of Caffeine on Adolescents” by Allena Kinker
·       “Benefits of Quitting Caffeine” and other articles on this website (www.cheap-health-revolution.com
·       “How I Quit Coffee Cold Turkey & the First 7 Days Without Caffeine (Hint: It Sucked)” by Brandon
·       “8 Things That Happen When You Quit Caffeine” K. Aleisha Fetters



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