Friday, September 18, 2020


“Transgender [is] a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person... identified as having at birth.” (Merriam-Webster)

Have you ever become friends with someone whose sense of humor was so much like yours that you often forgot that you were not the same person? For me, that is “Ronnelle,” who works in automobile insurance.  One night after our weekly book club; I made this statement to him.”You know I am waiting for you to give me a controversial topic for my blog that almost everyone has an opinion on.”  As I should have known, Ronnelle’s one word answer was just what I was looking for, “transgender.”

On the limited amount of knowledge I have on transgender lifestyle, my opinion breaks down into this school of thought. I would say most people in any religious (spiritual, denominational) community would use a verse like Genesis 5:2 (VOICE) to be against transgender: He created them male and female; and after creating them, God put a special blessing on them and named them “humanity.”Many Christians would assume God put them in the gender body He wanted them in by design, and on purpose. Could it also be (for those with transgender issues) that God placed you in the “wrong” body to teach you some valuable life lesson?

Personally, I can’t imagine what it would feel like your entire life that something isn’t quite right. You wonder who the real you really is. Prayers to God to make you like everyone else seemed to go unanswered.  You wonder if God is hearing your desperate prayers. I believe this quote by Anon expresses how transgender people feel at the core of their being,” All I want to know no matter what gender I am you’ll still love me like you did before.”

Luke 6:31 (VOICE) is the gold standard on how to treat everyone on Earth. Think of the kindness you wish others would show you; do the same for them. Are you doing it (without prejudice)? Please note to protect the identity of the real individual used in this story (on a sensitive topic); details have been altered. 


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