Tuesday, December 31, 2019


“Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react the way men do. Women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate, and respond the way women do.” (John Gray)

From the very beginning, men and women have been different. God designed Eve to match Adam in most respects, but also to be different from him in others. Though differences existed, there was still the prospect of Adam and Eve complementing one another in a close relationship. Their differences could be used to strengthen one another. Communication was a key tool for this to happen.

 In the fall, God’s design for men and women has been distorted. The differences between men and women can be exaggerated resulting in unnecessary division between the genders. The differences between men and women can be ignored yielding confusion about the whole concept of gender. In both cases, communication is a key tool contributing to the division and the confusion.

Men and women are different in many ways. They see the world through completely different perspectives. The key to understanding their differences is in the way that men and women talk to each other. If you’re struggling to understand the opposite sex, let’s make it more understandable. Here are ways in which men and women differ when it comes to communication:

Apologizing- For women, apologizing is a way of forming and maintaining connections with people. It shows respect and humility. Many women understand that saying “sorry” can solve a lot of issues. Men often find apologizing harder than women as it feels as though they are giving in. They worry that they will be seen as weak for accepting blame, and may feel as though their power or authority will be compromised by apologizing.

When women are apologized to, it can almost feel like a bond. There is a level of mutual respect with the person they’re talking to, and they feel as though they have been listened to. Feeling as though their opinions are valued and taken into account is very important to women, which is why apologies can mean so much to them. Men, on the other hand, see being apologized to as the other person’s way of accepting the hierarchy, and men can often feel as though this reinforces their position of power.

Body Language-Men can be seen to keep themselves very much to themselves. While having a conversation, many men come across as serious and practical. They will speak and listen, but there isn’t much else going on. Much of men’s communication is verbal involving vocabulary and inflection. Women have another layer to their communication: non-verbal.

Women tend to use gestures as visual aids while talking and use their facial expressions much more. Women nod their heads when listening is something that women typically do more than men. Using open body language and engaging their audience by ‘talking with their hands’ is another thing that more women than men tend to incorporate into a conversation.

Compliments-Men don’t tend to give out compliments as much as women do. If they do, they are normally aimed at a potential partner rather than a friend or colleague. Women are much more likely than men to give out compliments. For them, it is way a forming a bond and showing respect. It is also a way of showing that they are on the same level as the person they are speaking to. By complimenting someone, women show that they are not a threat and that they can be trusted. This links in with a woman’s need or desire to form connections and find commonalities.

Feelings vs Factual-Men like to get to the facts early on. Conversation tends to serve a purpose. It is simply a way to get the information needed. The conversations men have are often very fact-based, and may revolve around sports, work, and finances. Conversations may end rather suddenly as men often avoid small talk and pointless questions.

Women prefer to dig deep in conversations, and often try to explore the feelings of the person they’re talking with. This is attributed to the fact that women are believed to be more compassionate and empathetic. Female friends prefer to talk about emotions and complex situations as opposed to statistical or truthful issues. Women tend to be happier extending conversations than men do.

Friend or Foe-Men can see other people as a threat in ways that women often do not. This tends to lead to a friend or foe situation where men quickly try to assess a person or situation. This can come across in a negative, slightly aggressive way at times as men are trying to filter information efficiently in order to understand the situation quickly.
Women are much more likely to go for a friendly approach and build a rapport with whoever they are talking to. This is what ultimately leads to those longer, detail-filled conversations we mentioned earlier. Rather than seeing someone as a threat to their power or authority, women feel more compelled to find common interests or experiences, and form bonds from them.

Listening-Men are conditioned to listen actively. When a woman initiates conversation he assumes she is seeking his advice or assistance. He engages with the woman, filtering everything she’s saying through the lens of, “What can we actually do about this?” Learning to listen patiently — not just passively — doesn’t come easily to him. Women see conversation as a productive end in and of itself. If she feels sufficiently heard or understood she may not need to take further action to resolve a problem or “make things better.” The fact that she has been listened to calms her anxieties and dulls the pangs of negative feelings. Sharing with someone who understands and cares her heals her from the inside and equips her with the emotional tools necessary to handle the trials of the outside world.

Negotiating-For men, negotiating is often not an option. It is a sign of weakness and shows that they are giving in or being submissive to whoever they are talking to. By going back on what they have said, or agreeing to someone else’s ideas or plans, men often feel as though they are being emasculated. In terms of time, men prefer to cut to the chase and get things done quickly.

Women tend to be happier negotiating. Finding a middle ground doesn’t show weakness on anyone’s behalf, rather a mutual respect and desire to get the job done. This links in to the fact that women are more prone to having longer conversations, where there is space for discussion and everyone will be heard. The important thing here for women is that things get done properly, and, often, more fairly.

Quality vs Quantity-Men prioritize productivity and efficiency in their daily life, and conversation is no exception. When he tells a story he has already sorted through the muck in his own head, and shares only those details that he deems essential to the point of the story. He might wonder, “Why do women need to talk as much as they do?” Often he will interrupt a woman once he has heard enough to offer a solution.  In the workplace, where men can feel particularly competitive, there is no need for pointless talk.

The conversation does not need to be long, and can end once they are satisfied. Women are likely to have longer conversations. These will involve questions about the other’s personal life such as asking about family members, health, and weekend plans. Women often feel less competitive, and would rather put out a conversation and maintain a good bond with the person they’re talking to.

She uses communication to explore and organize her thoughts to discover the point of the story. She may not know what information is necessary or excessive until the words come spilling out. But a woman isn’t necessarily searching for a solution when she initiates a conversation. She’s looking for someone to listen and understand what she’s feeling.

The Details-Men believe communication should have a clear purpose. Behind every conversation is a problem that needs solving or a point that needs to be made. Women prefer to get into the details and find out as much as possible. Women often look for context and background information rather than simply responding to a situation in isolation.

This lends itself to a woman’s naturally empathetic side. They would rather see a situation in context and figure out why someone may be behaving the way that they are rather than making a quick judgment. Women use communication to discover how they are feeling and what it is they want to say. They see conversation as an act of sharing and an opportunity to increase intimacy with her partner.

Through sharing, they release negative feelings.  Women are happier sharing information about themselves, their relationships, and work than men tend to be. This links back to the fact that men want to be efficient in their conversations and get to the point as rapidly as possible.

 “Men need to remember that when women seem upset and talk about problems is not the time to offer solutions. Instead she needs to be heard, and gradually she will feel better on her own.” (John Gray)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “5 Ways Men & Women Communicate Differently” by Richard Drobnick

·        “8 Crucial Ways Men and Women Communicate Differently” by Lucy Vinestock

·        “Speak wisely: Gender communication preferences” by Dr. Jeff Forrey


Monday, December 30, 2019


“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” (Terry Pratchett)

Cat owners love their feline friends just as much as dog owners adore their canine companions. Here are some interesting facts about cats that you may be unaware of. Did you know? 

·        Cats cannot see directly under their nose.

·        There are over 500 million domestic cats in the world.

·        Cats and humans have been associated for nearly 10000 years.

·        Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day.

·       A group of cats is called a clowder. A male cat is called a tom. A female cat is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens.

·       The heaviest domestic cat on record is 21.297 kilograms (46 lb 15.2 oz).

·       Cats have powerful night vision allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human needs in order to see.

·       Play fighting among kittens may be a way for them to practice and learn skills for hunting and fighting.

·       Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.  

·       Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four on the back ones. It’s not uncommon for cats to have extra toes. The cat with the most toes known had 32 (eight on each paw).

·        Domestic cats spend about 70 percent of the day sleeping, and 15 percent of the day grooming.

·        In terms of development, the first year of a cat’s life is equal to the first 15 years of a human life. After its second year, a cat is 25 in human years. And after that, each year of a cat’s life is equal to about 7 human years.

·        Meows are not instinctive cat language. They developed them to communicate with humans. 

·        Most cats have no eyelashes.

·        The hearing of the average cat is at least five times keener than that of a human adult.

Like anything on Earth, cats have their myths. Below are six of the more popular ones (with their truths):
Black cats are unlucky-Black cats have been the subject of folklore for centuries, and while in some countries they are considered unlucky, the felines are said to bring good fortune in other parts of the world. In Japan, it is thought to be good luck if a black cat crosses your path, but in much of Europe and the US the presence of a black cat is considered to mean that bad luck is on its way.
In Germany it depends which direction a black cat walks in front of you. Left to right means good times ahead, but right to left means the opposite. Some Italians believe that if a black cat jumps on the bed next to a sick person, the person will soon die. If a black cat appears on your doorstep in Scotland, tradition suggests you could be coming into money, while in China, some believe black cats to be bringers of poverty.

Cats are nocturnal-Cats are not nocturnal, but are instinctively crepuscular – which means they are most active at dawn and dusk when hunting opportunities are rife and there’s enough light for them to see well. Just because your cat is domesticated, it doesn’t mean they will ignore this genetic predisposition, even if food is readily available. But they will usually adapt to your routine. 
Cats often sleep when the house is quiet and grow more active when people arrive home. They may sleep at night, but will often still wake at least a couple of times. Steps you can take to help reverse a cat’s crepuscular tendencies include giving it a warm bed, using toys to entice curiosity during the day and playing with them yourself in the evening before you go to bed.

Cats are solitary animals and like to be left alone-By their nature, cats are solitary creatures while dogs descend from wolves which live in family groups. Most wild cats live alone. However, domesticated cats can form very close bonds to people, as well as forming unlikely friendships with other animals such as dogs. Indeed, cats can come to rely on the companionship of humans.
Cats can and do share deep bonds with their human families, which is why most of us consider them family members, as opposed to just "pets." Cats do not exclude non-family members from their circle either, as witness the many that give love and comfort to patients in hospitals, and convalescent homes. Cats are loveable creatures, and their bond with us is so strong that it extends beyond death.

Cats have nine lives-Like the rest of us, cats only have one life. So where does the saying ‘cats have nine lives’ come from? Nobody really knows the origin of this myth, exactly, but there are a number of possibilities – from William Shakespeare to ancient Egypt. In the play Romeo and Juliet, the bard refers to the nine lives of cats. Meanwhile an old proverb of unknown origin claims: “A cat has nine lives.  For three he plays, for three he strays and for the last three he stays.”
In ancient Egypt, cats were treated as sacred animals and were worshiped as divine creatures with psychic or supernatural powers so some think the myth could have originated there as it fits in with their view of cats. It’s more than likely that the myth has developed over time due to cats’ ability to get themselves out of sticky situations with their agility and dexterity. Over time, cats have survived falls from great heights and even earthquakes, so it’s not surprising they have earned their nine lives title.

Dogs are more loving than cats-Perhaps the greatest debate of modern times is whether dogs or cats make better pets, and one argument on the side of dogs is that cats are unloving. Domestic cats are by their nature more independent than domestic dogs. In part because they weren’t bred to spend a lot of time around humans, and also because the wild ancestors of our house felines don’t live naturally in the same sort of family groups canines do.  
A recent study by the University of Lincoln found that cats don’t show signs of distress when their owners leave, and aren’t particularly bothered when their owner returned to them. As anyone who’s come home from a hard day’s work to have their cat jump on to their lap for a fuss will testify cats do show affection towards their owners and many do like to be stroked and patted.

Pregnant women should avoid cats-Expectant mothers can interact with cats. It's the litter box that's a problem. Toxoplasmosis is spread through feces and litter. As long as pregnant women avoid contact with the litter box and have someone else clean the litter box area, there should be no problems. So feel free to continue mothering your cat while you're waiting for your baby. 

Toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects if contracted by the mother during pregnancy. It is found in soil outdoors, and also in raw or undercooked meat (the most likely source of contact.) It can also be found in cat litter boxes if the cat has been exposed. The truth is that you absolutely don't have to get rid of the cat if you are having a baby.

  “If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.”  (Mark Twain)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “10 Fascinating Facts about Cats” by Purina
·        “12 common cat myths debunked” Blue Cross for Pets
·        “Fun Cat Facts for Kids” by Science Kids

·        “Setting the Facts Straight: Common Myths about Your Cat” by Christine O'Brien

·         “Top 12 Myths about Cats” By Franny Syufy
This post is dedicated to my good friend, blog member, and feline lover, Betty Willer, who adores her cat. I know I tend to overdo it with my variety of dog posts, but here is a post just for you. The Kinker family loves you so much.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


“You don’t need to know where you’re going if God is leading.” (Jesus-Our-Everything)

21 Eight days after His birth, the baby was circumcised in keeping with Jewish religious requirements, and He was named Jesus, the name the messenger had given Him before His conception in Mary’s womb. 22 After Mary had observed the ceremonial days of postpartum purification required by Mosaic law, she and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. 23 They were fulfilling the Lord’s requirement that “every firstborn Israelite male will be dedicated to the Eternal One as holy.” 24 They also offered the sacrifice required by the law of the Lord, “two turtledoves or two young pigeons.”

25 While fulfilling these sacred obligations at the temple, they encountered a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was a just and pious man, anticipating the liberation of Israel from her troubles. He was a man in touch with the Holy Spirit. 26 The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Anointed One. 27 The Spirit had led him to the temple that day, and there he saw the child Jesus in the arms of His parents, who were fulfilling their sacred obligations. 28 Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God.

29 Simeon: Now, Lord and King, You can let me, Your humble servant, die in peace.
30     You promised me that I would see with my own eyes
        what I’m seeing now: Your freedom,
31     Raised up in the presence of all peoples.
32     He is the light who reveals Your message to the other nations,
        and He is the shining glory of Your covenant people, Israel.

33 His father and mother were stunned to hear Simeon say these things. 34 Simeon went on to bless them both, and to Mary in particular he gave predictions.

Simeon: Listen, this child will make many in Israel rise and fall. He will be a significant person whom many will oppose. 35 In the end, He will lay bare the secret thoughts of many hearts. And a sword will pierce even your own soul, Mary. (Luke 2:21-35, VOICE)

If you are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit (like Simeon), God can lead you to unimaginable places where you can be used in mighty ways in service to Him.

When Simeon held baby Jesus in His arms, he had a Heaven to Earth moment. Have you ever been so close to God at a particular time in your life that you didn’t think your life could get any better? You were ready to be transported straight to Heaven.

For Mary’s cleansing (after the birth of Jesus) two turtle doves were offered. This was the poor person’s sacrifice. This was all the couple could afford. God can take the small amount you can offer, and do grand things with it. What can you offer to God?

Simeon may have thought that the last placed he would have met the Messiah was in the synagogue. How many people do you know that were treated wrong by Christians? They do not expect to meet God in church.

Mary was told by Simeon that Jesus would be the pivotal moment all individuals on whether they would accept (or reject) His free gift of salvation to an eternity with Him in Heaven.

Jesus (the Christmas Baby) was born to die (our Savior). Jesus sacrificed His holiness for our wholeness.

God does nothing in your life by accident, but for a specific purpose (that you may be unaware of). Faith in His mission (in you) and His cleansing grace is all you’ll ever need your entire life long.

 “One of the most arduous spiritual tasks is that of giving up control and allowing the spirit of God to lead our lives.” (Henri Nouwen)[i]

[i] Inspired by the sermon “Leading: Christmas Spirit, “(installment five, final) Tuesday December 24, 2019 (Christmas Eve), Pastor Dave Jansen, CenterPoint Gahanna Church Gahanna, OH.


“Identifying [and] utilizing your God-given talent is your greatest chance of success in life.” (Billy Cox)

Now, brothers and sisters, I want you to understand about spiritual gifts. You remember the lives you lived before you were believers. You let yourselves be influenced and led away to worship idols—things that have no life. So I tell you that no one who is speaking with the help of God’s Spirit says, “Jesus be cursed.” And no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” without the help of the Holy Spirit.

 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are different ways to serve, but we serve the same Lord. And there are different ways that God works in people, but it is the same God who works in all of us to do everything. Something from the Spirit can be seen in each person. The Spirit gives this to each one to help others. The Spirit gives one person the ability to speak with wisdom. And the same Spirit gives another person the ability to speak with knowledge. The same Spirit gives faith to one person and to another he gives gifts of healing.

 10 The Spirit gives to one person the power to do miracles, to another the ability to prophesy, and to another the ability to judge what is from the Spirit and what is not. The Spirit gives one person the ability to speak in different kinds of languages, and to another the ability to interpret those languages. 11 One Spirit, the same Spirit, does all these things. The Spirit decides what to give each one. (1 Corinthians 12:1-11, ERV)

The Holy Spirit empowers our talents and abilities so that they can be used to more effective honor God, and help others.

1.   Understand your gifts because we all have them.

(See 1Corinthians 12:1, 7 above)

How do you discern what your gifts are?

A.  Examine yourself.

God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem. In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function.  (Romans 12:3-4, TPT)

B.  Ask others.

C.  Try out some places of service.

(See 1Corinthians 12:4, 11 above)

2.   Use your gifts.

He joins and holds together the whole body with its ligaments providing the support needed so each part works to its proper design to form a healthy, growing, and mature body that builds itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:16, VOICE)

If you wonder how this can benefit you, there is a joy to seeing lives changed in God’s service because of your talent. Bringing someone from death to life helps you to realize your importance in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23 ICB)

 “Don't let others discourage you from using your God-given gifts. God can use those gifts to do something amazing through you.” (ReadEngageApply.com)[i]

[i] Inspired by the sermon “Gifting: Christmas Spirit, “(installment four) Sunday December 22, 2019, Pastor Dave Jansen, CenterPoint Gahanna Church Gahanna, OH.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

More Fun

“Life is more fun if you play games.” (Roald Dahl)

The next time you’re scheduling quality time with your friends get out of your normal routine, and host a game night. You might be surprised how much fun playing adult card games can be on a Saturday evening. This enjoyable pastime with friends can get addictive. The key to a game night is to invite the right guests (5-8 people total), serve up fun, and easy finger foods (or a potluck menu), and play games that are both creative and clever. Depending on the game, it can be quite an eye-opener in learning new information about your friends. Here are unique adult games for your game night (that no one will soon forget):

·        That's What She Said- It's a great choice for parties with larger groups. It’s fast-paced, designed for four or more people, can be adjusted to suit your time-frame, and even has expansions to keep things fresh and increase the number of players. This game has 400 phrase cards and 58 setup cards. The chosen judge throws down a set-up card, and everyone plays their best phrase. The winner is entirely dependent on the judge's sense of humor.

·        Speak Out-This is like Win, Lose, or Draw, but with your mouth. Hear me out: Grab a group of friends, pop in a mouthpiece, and try to say silly phrases to your teammates (e.g., "slow down, you careless clown!"). If they can understand you through both the mouthpiece and your incessant laughter – your team earns a point. This is good, goofy fun you can have with everyone, from your friends to your family. You'll look ridiculous, but that's the fun.

·        What Do You Meme?  When words simply aren't enough, memes step in to convey the absurd specificities of life. This adult card game is comprised of two different decks — a photo deck and a caption deck. With each turn, everyone picks a caption card from their hand to match the photo card drawn by the judge. The judge determines which meme is the funniest, and the game continues rotating judges as long as everybody wants. "We literally couldn’t stop playing and didn’t end up quitting until we had exhausted every single meme in the stack, 2.5 hours later," says one reviewer. "There were many times the judge couldn’t finish reading a card because we couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard! Definitely recommend." (I've personally played this game with a group of friends. It was entertaining and hilarious.)

·        Joking Hazard-The only true hazard you're going to run up against with this game is how long you'll want to keep playing it. In Joking Hazard, you compete along with the rest of your party to finish truly awful comics and see who can one-up the other. Each box comes with 360 cards. Unlike other card games, the rules for this are pretty flexible, and for a reason. With this game, you have total creative control with how the story progresses. Since each comic is designed to work as a small story, you're really able to control the flow of the game as you go.


"The cards are so well written and balanced that nearly any combination results in beyond colorfully off beat hilarity," wrote one reviewer. Another raved, "A game night headliner ... I picked this up because I followed the comic and the animated internet cartoon for years now. I don't think I had laughed as hard during a board game before."

·        Superfight-If you’ve got a friend group or family members that just love to debate, direct their energy and rage into something useless and harmless. Superfight is a simple game for players of all levels where the cards are split into two categories: characters, and powers and weaknesses.


When the two are combined, guests need to argue until the end about which one would win in a fight. This game’s ideal for up to about ten people, and reviewers say it’s filled with silliness, yelling, laughing, logic, and emotion, and the better you and your friends are at thinking outside of the box, the more ingenious this game gets.


·        Bad People: The Party Game You Probably Shouldn't Play-If you take yourself way too seriously, go to another game. Bad People is a party game for those who can take the cold, hard truth about what their friends really think of them. Gather up three to 10 players, take turns reading aloud a question card, and then vote on who best fits the dubious descriptor.


Question cards can range from "Who is most likely to become the leader of a prison gang?" to "Who will be the most difficult old person to be around?" Trust us — it won't take long for your group to stop being nice, and start getting real. 

·        Never Have I Ever: The Game of Poor Life Decisions-There's nothing like a few rounds of Never Have I Ever to kick a game night up another notch. Players take turns reading the red "direction" cards out loud, which dictate if they or other players have to answer a blue "play" card. Players collect the blue cards if the statement on it is true to them. The first player to reach 10 blue cards wins

·        Taboo Midnight Board Game-In the regular Taboo game, players draw cards and must describe their chosen word or phrase for others to guess, without using its most common descriptors. The "Midnight" edition of this game uses sillier words and more double-entendres, but is otherwise exactly the same! Try as hard as you might to describe the phrase "dad bod" without using the words "belly" or "gut."

·        The Voting Game: The Adult Party Game About Your Friends-The Voting Game is a true means of testing friendships. See how well you know each other, or at least what it is you assume about each other, in this card game that asks participants to vote on "most likely" candidates for a number of scenarios. We're sure you'll be revealing all sorts of stories and secrets to one another by the end of the night.

·        FunEmployed Card-Based Party Game-Are you ready to land the job of your dreams? FunEmployed equips you with three random resume qualifications, so you can make your case to land coveted jobs like "Professional Cuddler," "Celebrity Impersonator," and "Pirate." The more players you have, the more potential job candidates will be vying for the positions — and the more hilarity will ensue.

·        Cards Against Humanity-One person draws a black card with a fill-in-the-blank phrase, and the other players pick a white card from their hands that completes the sentence while also appealing to the judge's twisted sense of humor. The winner collects the cards from the rounds that they win. You won't know where all the time went, but you'll love every minute of it.

 “Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company you don't even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game.” (Gary Gygax)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “10 Best Adult Party Games That'll Make Any Game Night” By Maria Cassano
·         “Host A Fun Grown Up Game Night” by Alison Deyette

·        “How to Host a Grown-Up Game Night for the Books” by Alina Gonzalez

·        “These Super Fun Party Games for Adults Are Just the Right Amount of Raunchy” image

·        By
    This post is dedicated to tim and christa andreotti who brought the joy of game night back into the life of my wife and me. thank you.


  “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” (Saint Augustine) It shouldn’t be surprising th...